Friday, December 20, 2024
EDITOR, The Tribune.
THE recently announced proposal of USA President-Elect, the Hon Donald J Trump, to nominate Mr Herschel Walker of Atlanta, Georgia, as the full-fledged Ambassador to The Bahamas bodes well for our wonderful nation. This is the first time in almost Eleven years that, if Walker is approved by the Senate of the USA, that we will have a designated senior diplomat.
I have long advocated that once a Republican administration is in place that The Bahamas is respected and treated in a dignified manner. Bahamians, in the main, are colour blind but as a majority black nation, it is more than appropriate that Mr Trump would nominate someone who is probably better suited to interact and relate as a “down home boy” an electrifying personality like brother Herschel.
Walker has many attributes as an achiever but my favorite one is the fact that after dropping out of college, decades ago, he decided to return to university at a mature age where he recently obtained his degree in property management and policy. This is similar to what I would have been telling Bahamians for many years. If one had to or opted to drop out of high school or even a collage, for whatever reasons, once it becomes viable go back and complete whatever you started out to do. Age, save and except for dementia, is only a number.
Georgia, especially Atlanta, has the highest level of Black people of wealth and education than most other states in the USA. For sure, it has the largest Black population of middle to higher levels of entrepreneurs. There are hundreds of Bahamians and descendants currently working and residing up there or attending institutions of higher learning. Atlanta is my favorite USA based city and I would have actually lived up there for a little over a year and enjoyed every minute of my stay.
Common Cause and The National Republican Arena, both of which I serve as Executive Director, welcome this stellar nomination by Mr Trump and look forward to his eventual confirmation by the Senate of the USA. With this proposed appointment, President-Elect Trump is/has sent/sending a very strong signal to The Bahamas that despite the occasional flare ups, that he and the American people continue to have an unbreakable bond with The Bahamas. To God then, in all things, be the glory.
December 19, 2024.
Porcupine says...
Mr. Bodie,
Do you know who Hershal Walker is?
Have you heard him speak?
It seems to me that both you and Hershal are idiots.
Sorry to be so blunt.
Both of you are idiots who have absolutely nothing to offer the Bahamian people.
Posted 22 December 2024, 6:42 a.m. Suggest removal
ScullyUFO says...
The cushy appointment of Herschel Walker as U.S. Ambassador to the Bahamas is simply Trump doing some payback for HW's unwavering loyalty. Trump knows absolutely nothing about the Bahamas and its struggles. He puts the Bahamas in his collection of "s***hole countries". Walker himself shows no empathy or sympathy for his fellow Georgians, so it is highly unlikely he will have any positive feelings towards Bahamians. Absolutely nothing of benefit to the Bahamas will come of this appointment.
Mr. Bodie's optimism, though, is admirable.
Posted 22 December 2024, 3:15 p.m. Suggest removal
quavaduff says...
Mr. Bodie seems delusional at best and uncle ruckus at worse.
Posted 24 December 2024, 11:33 p.m. Suggest removal
ExposedU2C says...
We are much too quick to blame everyone but ourselves for our dismal predicament. We put ourselves in Trump's collection of "s***hole countries".....he simply called us out for having done so. I suspect Trump could not find anyone better than Walker who was willing to serve as ambassador to our nation. Frankly, Walker's appointment is a sad indictment of just how far we have fallen as a nation.
Posted 28 December 2024, 12:30 p.m. Suggest removal
Proguing says...
There are three things of paramount importance to Trump:
1. Drugs coming into the USA
2. Illegal immigrants coming into the USA
3. Chinese influence in the region
The appointment of a US ambassador to the Bahamas is a clear signal that these issues will be addressed in the coming months. The Bahamas had better be ready!
Posted 23 December 2024, 12:13 p.m. Suggest removal
Porcupine says...
Wow! Just wow!
Posted 23 December 2024, 2:22 p.m. Suggest removal
quavaduff says...
So he assigned brain damaged hershel as ambassador to address these paramounts of importance ,,, right ..LOL
Posted 24 December 2024, 11:31 p.m. Suggest removal
Proguing says...
Hmmm, how would you qualify Biden? Despite his challenged mental abilities, he was able to initiate a record number of sanctions against other countries...
Posted 27 December 2024, 11:53 a.m. Suggest removal
ScubaSteve says...
Here are the three things of paramount importance to Trump:
1. Money, and how can I acquire more money,
2. My image, and what can I do to bolster my image,
3. Money, ohhh wait... did I already mention more money!
Drugs, immigrants, and China... he doesn't give a rats ARS about any of those three things.
Posted 27 December 2024, 11:34 a.m. Suggest removal
Proguing says...
And Trump wants to deport migrants to the Bahamas if their home countries refuse to accept them. Given the above comments, the Bahamas is in for a rude awakening...
Posted 27 December 2024, 11:41 a.m. Suggest removal
ExposedU2C says...
Agree. Brain dead Walker was appointed because of his inability to get in the way of what Trump and DeSantis have in store for The Bahamas.
Posted 28 December 2024, 12:39 p.m. Suggest removal
Proguing says...
Brain dead or not, an ambassador is never there to “get in the way of” of what the President wants.
Posted 28 December 2024, 1:24 p.m. Suggest removal
Porcupine says...
You are correct.
Posted 31 December 2024, 7:56 a.m. Suggest removal
ExposedU2C says...
No he isn't........and our nation is in for a most rude awakening as a result of having poked the sleeping giant too many times over the last two or three decades.
Posted 1 January 2025, 11:26 p.m. Suggest removal
realityisnotPC says...
So if Atlanta is only "USA based", where does the city of Atlanta spend the rest of its time when it's not in the USA? Does it go on holiday to the south of France, perhaps? Stupid is as stupid writes. And don't get me started on this ignorant use of the phrase "would have"...If you say "I would have done something", then that must logically be followed by an explanation of why you actually did NOT do it. I would have lived in Atlanta for a year, but I decided to stay home instead. D- average in action.
Posted 27 December 2024, 1:40 p.m. Suggest removal
hrysippus says...
Posted 28 December 2024, 8:03 p.m. Suggest removal
pt_90 says...
He is not far off:…
> The Honorable In the United States,
> government officials who have been
> elected to public office or are
> appointed by the President of the
> United States with the advice and
> consent of the Senate are afford the
> courtesy title of The Honorable.
> These positions include, but are not
> limited to, the President, Vice
> President...Courtesy titles are not
> salutations and are used only in
> writing before the full name of a
> person.
This is why The World Bank refers to Joe Biden as
> "Statement by the Hon. JOE BIDEN,
> Annual Meetings of the Boards of
> Governors of the International
> Monetary Fund and World Bank"…
If you ever watch a Senate or House hearing you would see persons appointed by the president have "The Honorable" on their placard. The Americans still have some British in their customs.
Posted 30 December 2024, 11:59 a.m. Suggest removal
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