Bahamians are third class citizens

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Thank you very much for printing my letter in your valuable paper dated November 21, 2023 concerning BTC charging $5.00 for $0.01 outstanding. It did invoke a response from BTC's hierarchy. They responded with a "PUBLIC NOTICE" saying that no late fees are charged to the account unless the amount is greater than $10.00. This is an erroneous statement. It is really an untruth. They further stated that they wanted to speak with the customer to make it right. It was also stated the amount was significantly paid down, however, the amount was paid in full.

Upon contacting the office a CSR informed me that they were working on it and a refund would be made. However on December 7, 2023 I went to pay December’s payment and absolutely no credit was posted to my account. It’s not the amount of the late fee charged it’s the principle behind it and statements should not be made unless you are prepared to follow through. Calling the office is a waste of time, one can find something more productive to do at home.

It is a pity our Bahamians do not like to read and write, they prefer to complain among themselves. One would be surprised to know the many complaints you hear from friends and the other public you meet in these establishments, but they prefer to do nothing. Some say they are afraid of being victimised if they speak out.

I agree with Mrs Pam Burnside's letter in your Letters to the Editor section dated Tuesday, December 12, 2023. The Banks are atrocious, no matter what time of the day you go into anyone of them there are just two Tellers to assist. If you ask where are the others? You are told they went for lunch.

Senior citizens are treated with disdain and disrespect. The banks refuse to have a senior's line and they would not even provide a chair. Instead they want you to stand on the lines which many seniors are unable to do for any length of time. In addition to this, they are encouraging you to do “On-Line Banking", with all the malfunctions and the fact that not all are fortunate to have a computer. Every bank has its own rules and regulations. It causes one to wonder if the Central Bank exists.

Bahamians are now third class citizens in their own country with no one willing to make a difference.

Still a Dissatisfied Senior Citizen.



December, 2023.


birdiestrachan says...

BTC may not last long many have not had land phones for months and the cells seem to have problems also
They say the copper wires were stolen several months has passed the FNM papa said Bahamians could not buy BTC well FNM papa what do you say now shame on you, k

Posted 7 February 2024, 3:54 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

The Central Bank in this country is an absolute joke.

From the time we went through the financial crisis and the Central Ban governor talked about how reducing the interest rates to being mortgage relief to customers would be of no help, that is when I tuned out the Central Bank. And since, they have been of no benefit to this country since, IMO.

Posted 7 February 2024, 4:30 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

Years ago I paid two months because I was going to travel, so I had one month credit. Came home to find my line disconnected.
They said they disconnected by mistake. Some stupid did not understand that a minus balance means the client paid in advance .

Posted 7 February 2024, 6:31 p.m. Suggest removal

trueBahamian says...

There are considerable amount of problems and there seems to be zero oversight by URCA. Sometimes you check your bill and there are phone charges from prior months. Also, there seems to be fraudulent text charges on bills. Several people say they found them on theirs. I'm sure BTC is aware of it. If you go to complain about a problem they find a million reasons not to address it.

The senior citizen complained about the banks as well. I find that complaints to regulatory bodies around here is a waste of time. The Central Bank, URCA, the Insurance Commission, etc. just want to be ornaments. If younfile a complaint they pretty much tell you, no matter what the bank or utility company or insurance company did, they can't help you. It ain't their business. I sent a complaint to URCA years ago I never even got a reply to say com I ain't received. This country is a joke.

It's sad to read some of the comments here from this writer. Senior citizens should be treated with respect. Then again in this country we don't respect anyone else. Quite sad. We're a banana republic trying to sell ourselves as a civilized, developing society.

Posted 7 February 2024, 11:10 p.m. Suggest removal

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