Pinder: FNM choosing politics and theatrics over being tough on crime


Tribune Staff Reporter

ATTORNEY General Ryan Pinder criticised Free National Movement legislators yesterday for abstaining rather than voting for amendments to the Bail Act, calling the opposition’s “political theatrics” a vote against being tough on crime.

The amendment bill would automatically revoke a person’s bail recognisance when they breach their bail conditions.

The FNM argued last week that the bill doesn’t go far enough to address bail issues, but unlawfully restrains the judiciary.

As Senators debated the bill yesterday, Mr Pinder said: “We have heard report after report of accused persons committing crimes while they’re out on bail, and in many instances just to be released back on bail after a small fine. This is not acceptable. It is not appropriate. And it is not going to happen any longer. These stories have made people across our hemisphere question what is going on in The Bahamas.”

Mr Pinder said the FNM chose “academia over being tough on crime, all for political purposes”.

Senator Darren Henfield called Mr Pinder’s comments “rubbish.”

Senator Michela Barnett-Ellis said the Davis administration’s proposed amendments are not a solution because it is the judiciary’s job to grant or revoke bail.

“The power to grant or revoke bail belongs solely with the court,” she said. “Therefore, it is not surprising that some may think that the way to limit bail is to limit the court’s powers in relation to bail. But Parliament can’t infringe on the powers of the court that are enshrined in The Constitution.”


ExposedU2C says...

Few are more incompetent than Doofus Pinder. He has yet to figure out that the courts really have no place to send potentially violent persons who should not be released on bail. As AG, he should have long ago been leading the charge for a very large new prison to be built. But this is a moron who says "How high?" whenever the OECD and EU tell him to jump.

Keep in mind too that Dumbo Pinder's kowtowing to the oppression of our nation by the OECD, EU, IMF, etc. is one of the main reasons why it now often takes a Bahamian business more than two months to open a new bank account. He has never put forward a single piece of legislation that truly serves the interests of the Bahamian people. we've had a lot of stupid AGs in the past but he takes the cake!

Posted 13 February 2024, 5:18 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Wait , what? So , Pinder you totally missed the dumb response from the PM. Address rhar dumb response and stop with the ,I gat my buddy 's back. Yes , Fnm stupid , also.

Posted 13 February 2024, 6:05 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

It seems as if the Fnm is on the side of the criminals, . I suppose it helps their a cause they often seem to take victory laps when murders occur, all about the politics

Posted 14 February 2024, 2:16 p.m. Suggest removal

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