Police probe ten children falling ill at local school

POLICE are investigating the circumstances surrounding 10 students who mysteriously became ill at Achievers Academy off Tonique Williams-Darling Highway.

Police said around 12.15pm yesterday, the students started experiencing dizziness, vomiting, and faintness while participating in physical education activities.

The students were taken to the hospital and were under observation up to press time.

An uncle of one of the students told ZNS his niece could barely move her legs.

“She told me that some missionaries from Ireland came to the school and they gave them some bands, some black string bands with some beads on them, and then they prayed for them,” said Tevin Ferguson. “A few minutes later, students started complaining about chest pains, shortness of breath, and headaches and started to vomit.”

Mr Ferguson said he wants answers about the people on campus. He said doctors are conducting tests to determine what happened to the students.


Sickened says...

This is the weirdest story ever. Hopefully we find out what caused the illnesses.

Posted 16 February 2024, 11:17 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

These children didn't have marijuana cookies or gummies did they?

Posted 16 February 2024, 1:02 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Why is the police probing anyone? Need to word the headline differently. It does not depict what the writer is trying to say.

Posted 16 February 2024, 3:14 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

A similar situation happened at a teen party in South Africa. Teens were celebrating the end of exams with an early evening party. Some who survived said they smelled a strange odor filling the room like someone sprayed something in the air. They started coughing ind choking and having difficulty breathing. Some managed to get out the building and get fresh air. They were the lucky ones that survived but twenty children died. And death was so sudden, some died on the dance floor or at the table tgey were sitting at.

Posted 16 February 2024, 4:23 p.m. Suggest removal

Twocent says...

Some kind of poison or rigorous exercise? Either way the school is accountable and the children’s welfare was seriously neglected. This is not summer where you can conjure up a “heat-exhaustion” excuse and think you can’t be held accountable! Nor should we be so trusting anymore that so-called Christins are actually living Christ’s teachings and therefore somehow “safe”. Trust, especially where our children are concerned, is a fragile thing, and this academy seems to believe otherwise.

Posted 16 February 2024, 7:32 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

The Kansas City shooting was the 49th mass shooting in the US this year. It is said to be gang related when two opposing gangs started shooting at each other as the victory parade/celebration for the Kansas City football team came to a close. The shooters ( three in custody) are said to be teenagers and most of the 21 shooting victims ( half of them children) are said to be innocent bystanders caught up in the fray. So what is the solution to this gun violence?

Posted 17 February 2024, 4 a.m. Suggest removal

rosiepi says...

Irish missionaries roaming round praying & giving out rosary bracelets!?
Dangerous stuff!!

Posted 17 February 2024, 9:45 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Sounds like Delta 8 synthetic THC rather than naturally occurring Delta 9 THC in Cannibas. Totally psychoactive formed as gummy bears or other edibles. Will get you very very high.

Posted 19 February 2024, 8:10 p.m. Suggest removal

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