Police seeking family of homeless man who was assaulted by teenagers

Police are requesting public assistance in locating family members of a homeless man who was observed being assaulted by a group of teenagers on social media.

Two juvenile males are in custody, and police are aggressively in search of the remaining teens, along with their parents and/or guardians.

Additionally, the Criminal Investigations Department is actively investigating the matter in collaboration with the Department of Social Services.

Police wish to remind parents/guardians that they are responsible for the actions of their children, and when they breach the law, parents will be held accountable, as well as their children.

Investigations into this matter are ongoing.


ThisIsOurs says...

Those children need to be placed in detention. This act is very serious and signs of troubling psychological issues in at minimum the alphas in the group and poor reasoning skills among the followers.

They also need pschological counseling and to be placed on probation for 5 years minimum. Their parents should also be assessed and if possessing the same serial killer in training, bullying mindset, they should also be placed into extended psychological counseling

Posted 17 February 2024, 3:53 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Has anyone else noticed the number of persons going before the court for drug position? Not marijuana, strange stuff.

I mentioned to a foreign friend in relation to the crime spree that I did not know if we still had big drug problem. How big is this really?

I see businessman Hield was before the court for distribution, I'm assuming to most people who knew him he was a regular hard working family man. But here it is he has an assortment of drugs stored in the wall of his house. We've had cases of a few persons dying and fentanyl found in their system, one young lady was before the court last week for possession of Indian hemp.

How big is our drug problem? Did the 70's and 80's just go underground simply eliminating the visible thick gold chains and over the top Broncos or is this something lesser?

And who are the customers?

Posted 17 February 2024, 4:02 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

It’s known in the streets as CIA weed, it is not naturally grown, doesn’t come from the South of here, at least not in the form ( content) it hits the streets. Sometimes have a wet, damp clothes odor that is very strong a similar to the odor on someone who was hitting crack cocaine). After the children smoke it, they become very irritable and angry, ready to snap at anything and anyone. This WEAPONIZED drug was readily available throughout the pandemic and may have been the cause is many acts of domestic violence during the curfews and lockdowns. Reports are that if a person smoke this and consume alcohol ( Hennessy or Guinness in particular) they have a tendency to become uncontrollably violent and aggressive towards even persons they have no conflict with. Police should take samples of this stuff and let the young and unsuspecting public know exactly what it is they are smoking and the health and long term effects of smoking definitely what is not marijuana.

Posted 19 February 2024, 9:04 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

And don’t pretend that you don’t know that a small amount of tourists do come to The Bahamas in search of drugs. Just like some come looking for gay clubs. And five of them are supposed to be opening downtown to cater mostly to cruise ship passengers in a ‘safe and restricted’ atmosphere

Posted 19 February 2024, 9:07 a.m. Suggest removal

mandela says...

Penalize the parents along with the teens.

Posted 18 February 2024, 6:56 a.m. Suggest removal

Porcupine says...

This is our future.
Are we really paying attention?
Or, just paying our taxes?
Obviously, the present political system has failed, as well.
Where are our leaders?
Nowhere to be found.

Posted 18 February 2024, 8:07 a.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

Throw them in the zoo where they belong.

Posted 18 February 2024, 7:33 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

What is more disturbing? These guys beating and taunting this homeless man or the gangs of teens who shot up 22 people half or whom weee children at a victory celebration for the KC Football championship?
.the fact is this attack and assault on a homeless person is very troubling. Did it start out if teens being mischievous and escalating to a point that they kicked and stomped the victim, one even stomping him in his groin?

. A full investigation is needed. And if the teens were under the influence of some substance, they should be required to go to rehab. The punishment should also include ( probably in lieu of jail time and a criminal record, community service tha included working with homeless people.

Posted 19 February 2024, 9:16 a.m. Suggest removal

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