Police warning after video circulated of naked woman


Tribune Staff Reporter


AFTER videos circulated of a naked woman behaving lewdly outside a home last week, police warned yesterday that exploiting those exhibiting such unstable behaviour could result in prosecution.

The incident involving a 46-year-old woman happened shortly after 8pm on Saturday outside a residence in Garden Hills.

Residents of the home, who recorded the video, said they did not know the woman, who acted erratically by touching herself and, at one point, spitting on their house’s window.

In the video, one resident screamed: “What is wrong with her.”

Another resident said the woman’s behaviour was that of a “demon.”

A second video showed the woman naked on the top of a car, spreading her legs. 

“There is a naked lady that’s bamming on our windows, and now she’s on top of our cars,” someone in the video said.

Police said they are aware of the video’s circulation and reminded the public that mental illnesses exist. Police said when people exhibit unstable behaviour involving exposing private body parts, it should not be exploited.

 Police said the woman is known to have a mental disorder and that she was taken to the hospital by emergency medical personnel accompanied by relatives.


ExposedU2C says...

The local internet service providers need to be help accountable for lacking the commonly available algorithm and security filters necessary to subject such videos to screening before facilitating uploading to the internet. Similar algorithms and filters should also exist for videos involving child pornography and other most objectionable content, the dissemination or publicizing of which violates existing laws.

Posted 19 February 2024, 11:10 a.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

Couple points:

1.) A VPN connection renders your entire point moot

2.) Most CP videos or other questionable content that is sometimes banned from upload on certain media are identified by hash, which unless the video has been in public circulation prior would be impossible to blacklist in advance. Believe it or not CP/gore spamming is a tactic that cyber criminals will use to try to get a hosting provider to drop sites that they want to target.

3.) Obvious privacy concerns come into play.

Posted 19 February 2024, 2:04 p.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

My Good Lord. heaven forbid that anyone should see or share a vid of someone naked; we have only have had 28 young people murdered in full daylight on our streets so obviously naked women is much more important.......Sigh....

Posted 19 February 2024, 8:35 p.m. Suggest removal

ExposedU2C says...

It's about protecting the mentally ill.

Posted 20 February 2024, 10:11 a.m. Suggest removal

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