Cooper: Show national pride in tourism sector

• Tourism numbers ‘strong’ despite negative publicity

• Air arrivals up 13.3% in January, says Cooper

By Fay Simmons

Tribune Business Reporter

The Ministry of Tourism Investments and Aviation launched its “Tourism is Everyone’s Business” domestic campaign yesterday which aims to educate the public on the importance of the country’s largest industry.

Deputy Prime Minister Chester Cooper said the tourism industry employs 60 percent of the Bahamian population and accounts for 50 percent of GDP.

He said that the industry has a “positive impact” on every Bahamian and called for a “re-awakening of national pride” in the sector.

He said: “Tourism positively impacts every single person in The Bahamas and Tourism is indeed Everybody’s Business.

“And the time has come for a re-awakening of national pride in our number one industry, an enterprise which we as a nation have built with our very own hands.”

He said that the ministry will be launching a media campaign over the coming weeks that will see officials make guest appearances on local television shows, tv, social media and newspaper ads as well as billboard placements.

Stakeholder meetings for taxi drivers and vendors on New Providence and the Family Islands will also be conducted.

Mr Cooper maintained that January tourism numbers remain strong despite of the negative publicity the country has been experiencing in the international press.

He said the January hotel occupancy rate was 76.8 percent and air arrivals were up by 13.3 percent overall.

“I can reveal that in January, occupancy at the major large hotels in New Providence and Paradise Island showed a great performance, with a hotel occupancy rate of 76.8 percent in the first month of 2024, up from January 2023,” said Mr Cooper.

“The large Nassau-Paradise Island hotels have not only experienced an increase in Average Daily Rate (ADR) and room revenue but have also surpassed the pre-pandemic levels of 2019, setting a new benchmark for success.

“For January 2024, the momentum for arrivals have continued with arrivals for the month up by 13.3 percent overall. Additionally, air arrivals to Nassau/Paradise Island were up by 8.1 percent in January 2024 with overall Air Arrivals up 6.4percent compared to 2023. Overall seat capacity is up with several new additional airlift expansions in the pipeline.”

He called for Bahamians to be “prideful” about the country and work to ensure that its reputation aboard stays intact.

He said: “Whenever there is an occasion or situation that negatively impacts the reputation of our country, whenever we feel attacked, I see a sense of togetherness from Bahamians, who rally together to advance the agenda of our country.

“We’re sending a message that we must be prideful every day about our country and we must continue to do all that we can every day, whether we having a campaign or not, to ensure that the Bahamas is reputation abroad, stays intact.”

Mr Cooper said he is confident that the impact of the recent wave of negative publicity is “trending in the right direction” and encouraged locals to get involved with the campaign.

He said: “We have a very strong brand. Wherever we go there are people wanting to return to The Bahamas with us. We are now inviting Bahamians to now show that same enthusiasm, show the same warmth and hospitable nature that we all possess. And we should not only treat our guests with this warm hospitality but also treat each other with the same type of attitude.

“I’m confident that based on what we’ve seen so far, that the recent issues are trending in the right direction in terms of the international impact but I’m also calling everyone in our community to participate to engage and to get involved and I’m confident that they’re going to do just that.”


bahamianson says...

Show national pride where? You mean in Nasty downtown? The pissy buildings or the rat infested streets? Show pride in the garbage everywhere? What are you talking about? The only thing we can take pride in , is the airport.

Posted 27 February 2024, 11:29 a.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

Mr. Cooper, with all due respect, charity like pride and brought upsy begins at home, literally!

How do you expect a people who have no pride in themselves nor their own filthy everyday & home environs to be the torchbearers for your clean, green & pristine campaign?

If & when we as a people someday achieve some pride in ourselves then what you wish may become a reality.

Posted 27 February 2024, 12:09 p.m. Suggest removal

stillwaters says...

So, of course, people are the blame ........once again. This government, I just can't.......


Posted 27 February 2024, 12:23 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Mr Cooper you are doing a great job you have been blessed with chrasima and a beautiful Bahamian smile .all must do their.part where there is gloom and doom show joy and eternal hope

Posted 27 February 2024, 12:59 p.m. Suggest removal

ExposedU2C says...

This comment was removed by the site staff for violation of the usage agreement.

Posted 27 February 2024, 1:45 p.m.

TalRussell says...

I'll reword.--- 'Cruise' Tourism Is Being 'Made' Everyone’s Business Model. --- Whilst the majority popoulaces', --- Don't consider cruise passengers,---- 'Tourism'. --- Yes?

Posted 27 February 2024, 1:50 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

Is this guy out to lunch? Tourism is everybody's business? Seriously? The 40 percent according to Cooer who don't work in tourism are to be concerned about the 60 percent who do? So do the people who work in tourism also concerned about my business?

If tourism is everybody's business, then fix the bad roads in New Providence that people drive on everyday.

Again though, like @stillwaters said, blame the people.

I can't wait for 2026. Didn't vote in 2021, but no way I will be that dumb not to vote in 2026. These idiots gat to go.

Posted 27 February 2024, 2:07 p.m. Suggest removal

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