American tourist dies after falling from vessel


Tribune Staff Reporter

A 68-year-old tourist from Mississippi, USA, fell off a vessel and died near Tillo Cay, Abaco, yesterday.

The man, who has not been identified, was reportedly standing on the edge of a vessel around 1am when he accidentally fell into the water.

The victim was retrieved from the water in an unresponsive state and was later confirmed dead.

 Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister Chester Cooper announced yesterday that his ministry aims to recruit 100 young Bahamians for lifeguard training.

 According to Mr Cooper, the Tourism Development Corporation will spearhead the initiative.

 “This will be opportunities, real opportunities, for Bahamians to engage directly in work in the tourism industry, where we are currently hiring non-Bahamians to perform these jobs,” Mr Cooper said.

 “So, in the future, we hope that there will be more and more lifeguards on public beaches as well. In addition to the hiring or recruitment of these persons by the various cruise lines and the various hotel partners, we saw such a strong demand for lifeguards. We’re delighted to be able to offer this as a third cohort of lifeguards for training in The Bahamas through the Tourism Development Corporation.”

 Mr Cooper said lifeguards would be stationed on heavily populated beaches such as Goodman’s Bay, Cabbage Beach, and Junkanoo Beach.

 He said they would help prevent such water-related incidents as shark attacks.

 “Lifeguards will ensure that every element of safety that they can influence will be influenced by them,” he said.

 “So let’s ensure that everyone we know who might be interested in becoming lifeguards takes advantage of this opportunity.”

 “One of the things we’ve also promoted in our Blueprint for Change is a learn to swim programme all across the islands of The Bahamas. This is something we hope will take root.

 “We see millions of tourists come to our shores every year to swim in our beautiful waters. We’d like to encourage mobile payments to swim in our beautiful waters as well.”


stillwaters says...

I don't know.....if he fell into the water, wouldn't it be better to dive in after him immediately, rather than go get in a dinghy? He was underwater. These tourist drowning stories are always a little sketchy for me.

Posted 28 February 2024, 8:02 a.m. Suggest removal

ScubaSteve says...

This occurred at 1:00am... the dude was most likely completely drunk. And if he was from Mississippi -- then he was definitely completely drunk!!

Posted 28 February 2024, 11:21 a.m. Suggest removal

limeyconch says...

Sorry to inform you that the individual was not intoxicated, preliminary indications are heart attack which in turn led to the drowning

Posted 28 February 2024, 12:21 p.m. Suggest removal

ScubaSteve says...

Thanks for the additional info... it's most helpful.

Posted 28 February 2024, 1:19 p.m. Suggest removal

DWW says...

it would be nice to have clear communication from the powers that be so that the general population is not left speculating as usual. FOIA

Posted 28 February 2024, 1:40 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

We are always speculating. All the talk shows are about speculation and what if's.

Posted 29 February 2024, 7:32 a.m. Suggest removal

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