Passengers of Western Air have scare on Grand Bahama flight


Tribune Staff Reporter

TERRIFIED Western Air passengers prayed and braced for impact on Saturday as their plane made an emergency landing.

A crew member said “brace, brace, brace” as the plane descended, according to a video from a passenger.

When the plane successfully landed, passengers clapped. One shouted: “Hallelujah.”

Western Air CEO and President Sherrexia “Rexy” Rolle said the flight was between New Providence and Grand Bahama. She said the gear indication light came on as the captain prepared to land.

“He then requested to ATC to re-enter the holding pattern as he completed his emergency checklist and once they completed the checklist, they noticed that the indication light remained on and so at that point, just simply in an abundance of caution, he decided to inform the passengers and to declare an emergency status,” she said.

“As we know, the aircraft landed safely shortly after at 4.50pm and taxied to the gate. It’s important to note to the passengers and to the flying public that the crew must follow their standard operating procedures which they did here and essentially once an emergency status is declared, certain exercises must be done, including requesting brace positions as what may be seen in the video.

“Of course, we must thank and applaud the passengers for following crew’s instructions and their cooperation. We certainly recognise that this is not the usual experience but I can assure them that every decision made by the captain was in the interest of caution and safety.”


pileit says...

Praying eevry flight & they keep flying them....engine parts falling off, landing gear doing fool, but the plane gern full! Need to include a prayer on the ticket.

Posted 8 January 2024, 6:56 p.m. Suggest removal

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