‘No mask mandate’ as COVID cases rise


Tribune Staff Reporter


PRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis said there is no need to reintroduce COVID-19 prevention mandates such as wearing masks after an uptick in cases of the disease, though people are recommended to wear masks.

He said businesses could enforce a mask mandate.

His comment yesterday came as Free National Movement chairman Dr Duane Sands, the former minister of health, claimed the COVID-19 ward at the Rand Memorial Hospital is full of patients.

“There is no need at this time, according to all of science, to implement any new measure,” Mr Davis told reporters, adding that Bahamians have been asked to police themselves.

 “That is the primary initiative we have taken, you police yourself, keep yourself safe, and keep your neighbour safe. That’s the implementation,” he said.

“We recommend wearing masks, but it’s not mandatory. An establishment, a restaurant, they could enforce the mask mandate if they wish for their premises, but at the moment, there is no need for us to alarm.

 “Recalling now, COVID has not gone anywhere. It has always been amongst us, it has been around, it hasn’t gone anywhere, and that tells me that Bahamians have been very responsible in looking after themselves, and I think they will remain responsible in looking after themselves.”

 On Sunday, Dr Michael Darville told reporters that Grand Bahama had recorded 11 new COVID-19 cases in the past two weeks, with a man on the island dying from the disease.

 In New Providence, two people were hospitalised after testing positive for the disease. Dr Daville said none of the cases required intensive care management.

 He noted that the JN.1 variant of the virus is in the country, which he said appears mild and similar to influenza A or B.

 A US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention report in December said the strain may be more transmissible or better at evading immune systems than other variants currently circulating, according to the New York Times.

 Dr Sands, nonetheless, claimed more than one case required intensive care management and questioned whether Dr Darville was giving factual information.

 “Certainly, the numbers in recent days, inclusive of the death that he alluded to in Grand Bahama, he didn’t mention the death in New Providence, and persons admitted to critical care beds even now,” he said.

“I was surprised that he didn’t mention the fact that the COVID ward in Grand Bahama was full. And so, you know, I think we must ask whether or not the minister of health and wellness is adequately engaged and adequately informed about the COVID situation.”

Dr Sands said health officials in Grand Bahama are concerned about the situation.

“Have candid, honest conversations with the Bahamian people to let them know exactly what is happening in our healthcare system,” he said.

In a press statement on Tuesday, the Ministry of Health and Wellness reiterated the importance of adhering to essential preventative measures that limit the spread of COVID-19.

The statement gave advice on hand hygiene, cough and sneeze etiquette, mask-wearing, physical distancing, vaccination and travel safety.


carltonr61 says...

Political gas lighting slinging alarm and fear should be a crime because of the damage it can cause This alarmist gimmick smells of deep destructive shameful desperation.

Posted 11 January 2024, 12:26 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

Print this and read before voting for Duane Sands. At last count he took four Jabs and then got covid .

The Florida surgeon general called for these mRNA vaccines to cease because of their oncogenic properties, as reported by the FDA. YEP, oncogenic, potentially causes cancer.

Posted 11 January 2024, 2:15 p.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

... I have no faith in the leadership of the Ministry of Health or the good PM. Covid as a killer infection is over, but covid as a money maker is still going strong!. Stop the fearmongering!

Posted 11 January 2024, 4:58 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Someone died. Yes it was one in 450k. But to their family that doesnt matter. Ive always thought that our COVID death numbers were underreported, still a small fraction of the population but underreported. The only people who are reported to die from COVID are those who die in hospital. If you collapse at home, even when otherwise 100% healthy, thats just a sudden death.

Washing hands wont hurt anybody is what I say. And no I never supported mass vaccination, not when it was clear less than 1% of the population had severe symptoms. I supported definition of vulnerable and targeting them

Posted 12 January 2024, 1:21 a.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

... huge difference between dying from covid and dying with it. Its far easier to say its the former, because that requires very little effort!

Posted 12 January 2024, 5:24 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

"*, he didn’t mention the death in New Providence, and persons admitted to critical care beds even now,” he said*.

*“I was surprised that he didn’t mention the fact that the COVID ward in Grand Bahama was full.*"

I did not know this, it means we've been exposed to a variant for which we have little or no immunity. I agree with Dr Sands, when your ER and hospital beds start to fill with persons having difficulty breathing your entire health system could be facing an issue. Nobody fakes a pneumonia. and its not a pleasant experience.

Posted 12 January 2024, 1:32 a.m. Suggest removal

ExposedU2C says...

This fool of a PM we have has obviously not heard that the forced masking and jabbing gig is up all around the world. That just ain't ever gonna happen again because there are way too many of us around the world who would rather die than ever let it happen again.

Posted 19 January 2024, 2:20 p.m. Suggest removal

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