BTC working to restore services after traffic accident damaged equipment

A traffic accident on Monday damaged BTC's equipment, disrupting services to eastern communities in New Providence.

“A vehicular accident damaged one of our main fiber lines, which resulted in an outage affecting customers in the Soldier Road, Village Road, Marathon Road communities and adjacent areas," said Drexel Woods, BTC’s Director of Technical Operations, in a statement yesterday. "Our technicians have worked around the clock, and we anticipate that services will be completely restored to all customers (Tuesday) evening. Our team is also examining mitigation efforts to lessen the risk of further outages. We apologize for the inconvenience to our residential and business customers, and we appreciate your patience as our teams work diligently to have this matter resolved.”

Mr Woods also noted a fibre break on Andros, which affected customers on North Andros, Stafford Creek, Nicholls Town, Mastic Point, Red Bays, and at BARC (The Bahamas Agricultural Research Center). 

“We have deployed additional resources to Andros today to fast-track repairs and we expect that service to these areas should also be restored by Wednesday,” Mr Woods said.


carltonr61 says...

That do be rough especially when they refuse go answer calls emergency or at least send out an app message. Even with generators in place for power backup, in this age of crime it is unnerving when left without remote monitoring.

Posted 24 January 2024, 8:45 a.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Land phones in GB have been OD for months, oh look what the FNM papa has done to us Bahamians would have done so much better

Posted 24 January 2024, 9:14 a.m. Suggest removal

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