Coleby-Davis says Road Traffic Department's relocation is ‘imminent’


Tribune Staff Reporter

TRANSPORT and Energy Minister JoBeth Coleby-Davis said the relocation of the Road Traffic Department is imminent because the staff has reached a boiling point over the poor working conditions at the Thomas A Robinson National Stadium.

The department will be moved into the Summerwinds Plaza off Tonique Williams Darling, which former Cabinet minister Leslie Miller owns.

The RTD’s staff in New Providence has repeatedly complained about their working conditions since the headquarters moved to the national stadium after the Clarence A Bain Building was demolished in 2020. Staff have complained about rodents, broken-down ceilings, and other infrastructure issues.

Mrs Coleby-Davis said while they are prepared to move, officials met staff and made changes to make the working situation “as comfortable as possible.”

“It was really a temporary location for them that went on a little bit longer than it should have,” she told reporters.

“We’re working at a really fast pace because we have a number of things that should be happening at the stadium, which causes a bit of disruption. And so all of that is working together for us to get them relocated as fast as possible so there are better conditions.”

Mrs Coleby-Davis couldn’t say exactly when the department will be relocated, but said officials hope to make the change by mid-February.

The Free National Movement criticised the Davis administration for leasing the Summerwinds Plaza to the department, saying the government should disclose the terms of the deal. Mr Miller told The Tribune last year the government was renting his place for a rate “much better than anywhere else”.

He said “nothing amiss” and “no favours” were involved. He noted that lease agreements for the property under the last Christie administration have been tied up in legal wrangling after previous administrations failed to follow them.


IslandWarrior says...

It's somewhat amusing, though I shouldn't find joy in the Minister's current predicament, which was foreseeable due to prioritizing party interests over accepting a viable solution to resolve the RTD issues for the next two decades, all at no additional cost to the Bahamian people, except for service expenses. I could almost say,

> "I told you so."

The irony, the FNM criticizes the PLP on RTD's comedy show. The FNM should be held accountable for the current state of the RTD, a consequence of their corrupt practices. The Bahamian people missed out on the advantages of a modern Traffic Department Facility due to the former FNM Minister's cronyism and blatant self-interest. PTI Bahamas has presented a fair and comprehensive plan, addressing concerns from all stakeholders connected to the traffic department, including the rodent issue.

The proposal remains valid, and it would be wise for the minister to set aside personal pride and party interests that serve the needs of some and collaborate with PTI's team to progress the project in the sole interest of the good people of The Bahamas. In contrast to the short-sightedness of the Minnis Administration, PTI's plan could result in the establishment of a new RTD (over the next 15 months) with nine locations across the Bahamas in the next three years, including three locations in Nassau and 2 in Freeport before the next general elections.

My email address has not changed:

> Hahaha, I should not laugh at you.

Posted 23 January 2024, 8:26 p.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

So who will benefit from the rent for the next 25 years or more? A white boy, a gambling tzar, or you and me>?

Posted 23 January 2024, 8:36 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

A more critical set of questions would be:

Why do we allow our personal data to be controlled by unknown companies through open-ended contracts, putting our privacy at risk?

How can we address the issue of party cronyism in the Bahamas, where political affiliations lead to questionable deals, favouring family and friends in service contracts, ultimately burdening the government and restricting fair competition?

Why are Bahamian vehicle owners subjected to high prices for subpar license plates that deteriorate quickly, raising concerns about the quality and durability of such essential items?

What measures can be taken to curb the illicit activities associated with the RTD backdoor business, recognizing its role in fueling a multimillion-dollar criminal enterprise that adversely impacts every Bahamian when dealing with drivers without the necessary documentation or insurance?

It's crucial to focus on these pressing issues and avoid diverting attention to less significant matters. Let's address corruption and advocate for transparency and accountability in our community.

Moreover, when considering answers to the question, "Who will benefit from the rent for the next 25 years or more?" it is essential to illuminate your curiosity by acknowledging the looming burden of a 30+ million dollar debt for the developer to repay.

Yet, the default narrative tends to involve insulting questions when it comes to Bahamians. This situation brings to mind a statement from a former FNM Minister who once asked, "Who are you three Black Boys fronting for?" Interestingly, such demeaning questions rarely surface when 'White Faces' secure substantial gains from questionable contracts. Instead, we often settle for mere handshakes, leaving us with a sense of accomplishment but frequently at the expense of fair treatment and equitable compensation.

Get real

Posted 23 January 2024, 11:26 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Either she's too cute or too daft to be a Minister.

She acts like a political diva, instead of a concerned responsible national leader.

That Ministry is in serious trouble.

Posted 24 January 2024, 10:38 a.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

I almost feel sorry for the young lady when you have an 'old dinosaur' like Leslie breathing fire and molten sulphur down her throat for a lifeline out of his financial troubles. No wonder the Minister has not jumped ship already from the disaster called the PLP.

Posted 25 January 2024, 7:15 p.m. Suggest removal

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