Taxation destroying middle-class

EDITOR, The Tribune.

In the Nassau Guardian article it is stated that in 50 percent of car accidents the Bahamian drivers are uninsured and do not have a car insurance. This further verified, proved and confirmed that the Prime Minister Philip Davis and the PLP government taxation on the middle class and Bahamian small business owners is demolishing, destroying and eliminating middle class Bahamians to poverty and killing small Bahamian business owners’ companies. Bahamian people are facing difficulties, struggles, economic hardship and are not able to pay rent, light bills, water bills, mortgages, purchasing groceries for family, buying a home and car because of the bad policies, high cost of living and high Government taxes.

I have a comprehensive economic plan to reduce taxes on the middle class and small business owners, to diversify the Bahamas economy in bringing down the high cost of living and cost of groceries by reducing the one billion dollar import of food to The Bahamas. To have Bahamian farmers products be implemented in food stores and all hotels in The Bahamas, that would help build the farming industry in The Bahamas. It is so sad the Prime Minister Philip Davis of the Bahamas is travelling to Rome to visit the Pope, but no benefit to the Bahamian people and The Bahamas, it would have been better to have invited the Pope to visit The Bahamas.

As it further demonstrated and shows a Prime Minister who does not appear to have any care and concern about a broke Treasury, pain, suffering, difficulties and economic hardship of the poor Bahamian people. It is time to show some compassion and concern by reducing the Bahamas Government Cabinet now proving to be incapable and unable to solve the issues, problems and multiple crises facing the Bahamian people.

This is why I am now answering to God calling to be the next Prime Minister of the Bahamas Pedro Smith and lead the BFP Party to become the first third political party to win the next general election in The Bahamas. I am asking for the religious church leaders, business owners and the Bahamian people to join and support Pedro Smith and the BFP Party to become the next Prime Minister and Government of the Bahamas. In making the Bahamas better and greater again for the Bahamian people, children and grandchildren. One Nation, One people, One Bahamas and One God onward forward and upward, help is on the way soon - Pedro Smith the Chosen One.



January 25, 2024.


Porcupine says...

I think you have an ear to the ground Mr. Smith.
However, anyone who calls themselves the Chosen One, scares the hell out of me.
Just my opinion after a fairly close reading of history.

Posted 30 January 2024, 7:24 p.m. Suggest removal

stillwaters says...

My boy.......guess what? Brave promised all of these things too.....said he had so many answers. And, furthermore, choosing yourself as some grand leader, is simply how you see yourself......nobody else is quite seeing what you're seeing. But.....carry on smartly.

Posted 31 January 2024, 1:09 p.m. Suggest removal

benniesun says...

A belief based upon a concept for which there is no reasonable foundation and which is ordinarily incredible to a sane person. (Ballentine's Law Dictionary)

Posted 31 January 2024, 2:10 p.m. Suggest removal

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