‘Top MP’s relative’ in Athol Island project controversy

* Environment chief: No approvals given 

* ‘Signature project before I die’ is halted


Tribune Business Editor 


A“relative of a high-ranking MP” is among the groups engaged in unregulated development on Athol Island for which no environmental permits or approvals have been issued, it has been alleged.

Adrian White, Opposition MP for St Anne’s, made the accusation that politically-connected persons are involved in activities where “all the rules, regulations and boundaries” set down by The Bahamas’ environmental laws and standards have been “thrown out the window”. 

Arguing that the land clearing and cutting on the island, which is a site of historical significance and sits at the heart of a Marine Protected Area (MPA), threaten “irreversible” consequences unless immediately halted, he told Tribune Business that the unregulated development also poses a threat to the storm surge “barrier” that Athol Island offers for New Providence’s north-eastern shoreline.

Mr White did not identify the “MP’s relative” he was referring to, and multiple other contacts spoken to by this newspaper also declined to name him for fear of victimisation. However, the Department of Environmental Planning and Protection’s (DEPP) chief confirmed to Tribune Business that no environmental approvals have been given to any developer or project on Athol Island.

Dr Rhianna Neely-Murphy, DEPP’s director, besides stating that no permits have been issued also answered “yes” when asked whether the environmental regulatory agency plans to take action against those involved on Athol Island. However, she gave no timelines for when this may occur while also providing no specifics on the actions that the DEPP may take. Well-placed sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Tribune Business that there are as many as five to six groups either actively involved in - or eyeing Athol Island for - ‘swimming with the pigs’ type attractions or developing beach break-style destinations for cruise passengers and other tourists visiting The Bahamas.

But, while they pursue their plans, several Bahamian businessmen who have to sought to obtain permits/approvals for Athol Island projects through the front door by going through the established regulatory channels have been frustrated with their developments coming to a “standstill” and not moving forward.

Tribune Business revealed in 2022 how Al Collie, developer of West Bay Street’s Club Luna, formerly the Zoo, was seeking to invest $2m in an Athol Island beach break destination that could create up to 100 Bahamian jobs.

Mike Darville, nephew of Sunshine Cruise operator, Chris Darville, and his company, Sand Dollar Tours, commissioned an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for a $1m project involving a one-acre development that would feature a 1,900 square foot timber dock; an 800 square foot floating dock; 3,200 square foot deck; and a surveyor’s trail.

And Tony Knowles, chief executive of Pirate’s Revenge, operator of the pirate-themed ship, the Blackbeard’s Revenge, confirmed he had submitted an application to create a “Treasure Island” destination for guests that would embrace eco-tourism while preserving historical ruins in the area.

None of these three projects have progressed. Mr Darville and Mr Knowles both declined to comment when contacted by Tribune Business, while Mr Collie voiced frustration that - despite possessing what he described as a valid “Treasury conveyance” for the land he plans to use - no environmental permits have been forthcoming for what he described as “my signature project before I die”.

Athol Island lies 0.75 miles east of Paradise Island, and was once eyed by former Atlantis owner, Kerzner International, as a potential golf course location. That proposal was subsequently dropped,

but Mr White reiterated concerns he first voiced in Parliament last week that others have seen no need to abide by environmental laws and regulation.

“It’s as though Newfoundland has been discovered, and all the rules, regulations and boundaries set down over the last few decades have been thrown out the window,” the St Anne’s MP told Tribune Business. “The efforts to protect bird and marine life in that area have been completely disregarded to provide excursion operators with a destination that will be beneficial to their bottom line.

“Their personal gain comes at the expense of the people. Athol Island has great historical significance. On more than one occasion it was used as a quarantine island. It’s a bird sanctuary, and it’s a Marine Protected Area. You can see clear co-ordinated markings on either side of the island. The island is in the middle. The Protected Area surrounds the island and includes the island.

“Boats are coming in. Sand is being thrown on to the island, there is clear cutting on the island. I’ve heard more than once that one of the companies to have taken the largest parcel and be doing the clear cutting is a relative of a high-ranking MP,” Mr White alleged.

“It’s another clear example of development in The Bahamas based on the wrong policy, which is act first and ask later. These projects have not been given a public hearing, or the public asked whether

they are for or against it.” One contact, though, said “the word going around” is that the “MP’s relative” and his group have obtained a Crown Land lease for four acres.

Several sources questioned to Tribune Business why, in addition to the DEPP, the Antiquities, Monuments and Museums Corporation (AMMC) has not taken a greater interest in Athol Island given its historical significance and presence of ruins dating back to the 18th century.

“The concerns of constituents in St Anne’s is that this is an historical island with natural Bahamian ecosystems that is now, after generations and decades, being encroached on to an extent that makes it irreversible unless stopped now,” Mr White told this newspaper. “The damage that I’ve seen will take at least ten years to be restored back to its natural habitat.”

As for the protection Athol Island offers New Providence against storm surges and hurricanes, the MP added: “New Providence is the capital of The Bahamas because of the anchorage within the chain of cays of the islands of The Bahamas, and the deep, safe anchorage this harbour provides. It’s been proven to be a safe weather location from storms and hurricanes.

“Now we’re seeing one of these for New Providence being cut down to a level... that when large waves come through they have a better opportunity to roll over Athol Island than before. It’s demolishing a protective barrier and acting upon on ill thought-out development plan; one that should never have been permitted and one that should be stopped without delay.”

Voicing fears that pollution and waste will also be created by any unregulated development, Mr White added: “It’s a ‘stop me if you can’ policy, and we all know how that ended up with the gingerbread men. The fox took them out and, if needed, the people will bring a stop to this breach of our environmental regulations and assault on our New Providence environment.”

Bruce Raine, an Eastern Road resident, told Tribune Business it was wrong to deny one group their Athol Island proposal but allow another’s similar project to proceed. “It’s just got to stop,” he argued of development activities. “Two years ago we told Mikey Darville he couldn’t do what he wanted to do and he seemingly complied with that.

“The others seemingly roll in and just do it. It is awful. It really is awful. I think the Government has to act on it immediately and call a halt to any further development of the island. They really must do something. If DEPP has not given approval to cut that fill away they must send someone up there to bring an end to that immediately. It’s not right to deprive one guy and allow another to do a similar thing.”

Mr Raine also voiced concern about the loss of storm surge protection. “That is the key barrier island for Fort Montague and Eastern Road,” he told this newspaper. “That’s the only thing between us and the ocean. You get that coming into Eastern Road and we’re really all in trouble. It’s crazy. It really is off the chain. Nothing should

be developed on that island. It’s in the middle of a Marine Protected Area.”

Mr Collie, meanwhile, voiced annoyance and frustration that his project’s Athol Island progress had come to a standstill. “I think I was the first person to get some land,” he told Tribune Business. “I have a conveyance from the Treasury. I don’t know what the other folks have.

“I was going to spend millions of dollars to develop my own spot. They [environmental regulators] were just holding back. I haven’t been able to do anything. Something has to happen.” Mr Collie said the conveyance of land on Athol Island was approved under the Minnis administration, and the paperwork completed by the Davis administration.

“After that, it was full stop. The environmentalists came in and stopped everything,” he added. “I was going to put in all the music, all the Junkanoo bands. That was going to be my signature project before I died. That was going to be my last big deal before I died. Right now, it’s at a standstill. I’m very frustrated. I don’t know what’s happening. I feel that they’re killing the spirit of Bahamian entrepreneurs who are trying to do something.”

Mr Collie, also leases Spruce Cay, better known as Pearl Island, from the Government. That is also a beach break/getaway destination for visitors, and he yesterday said he and his business partner, Hermann Krasler, take around 100- 150 visitors to Athol Island every day.

However, the absence of bathrooms and shade makes what can be offered very limited.


Dawes says...

Nothing will happen except the project will go ahead. No one needs to listen to DEPP as there are no consequences, as we will be reminded in short order.

Posted 11 July 2024, 2:28 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

"*“That is the key barrier island for Fort Montague and Eastern Road,” he told this newspaper. “That’s the only thing between us and the ocean. You get that coming into Eastern Road and we’re really all in trouble. It’s crazy. It really is off the chain. Nothing should be developed on that island. It’s in the middle of a Marine Protected Area.”*

I honestly dont understand this. What is so difficult to understand? What will our *Climate Change* Prime Minister do if the eastern end of the island is flooded? Blame climate change or will he point to absolute corruption, laziness and greed?

Posted 11 July 2024, 3:21 p.m. Suggest removal

Porcupine says...

"Mr White did not identify the “MP’s relative” he was referring to, and multiple other contacts spoken to by this newspaper also declined to name him for fear of victimisation."

It is not fear of victimization. It is the knowledge that if one speaks up for justice, they WILL be victimized.
There is not one honest person in this country who dares speak up that isn't victimized by this government, or anyone else with money and power.
Clearly, the environmental, economic, social and political destruction of this country is nearly complete.
And, The People remain virtually silent.

Posted 11 July 2024, 6:01 p.m. Suggest removal

Bigrocks says...

Well, think about it. Who is the top MP

Posted 11 July 2024, 6:23 p.m. Suggest removal

ExposedU2C says...

Chester the Jester. And apparently RCL is involved.

Posted 13 July 2024, 4:59 p.m. Suggest removal

empathy says...

The environmental issues here are obvious, so is the blatant disregard for our laws, rules and regulations.

We don’t need no more “swimming with the ~~~~~~~ Pigs🤬.

Regulatory People, do your job!

Posted 11 July 2024, 9:24 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

When you think of it how moronic, not only moving a pig sty to a marine habitat but they cutting down the hills that acts as protection for Nassau for centuries. The person who did this should be made to pay millions in fines. This needs a Commission of Inquiry, what is National Security if not this?

And where is Brave Davis? Nobody knew again?

Posted 12 July 2024, 12:17 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

How are all these people getting crown land in a protected habitat? And how can all of them express dismay at being able to destroy a barrier island protecting Nassau from storm surges? "*music and junkanoo bands*". We must be the dumbest people on earth. How many people on the eastern shoreline could be killed for their greed? Wonder if any of their children live in the area, how appropriate, or would be like the police crying about nobody being safe from gun violence, decrying the number of criminals being released on bail then accepting 10s of thousands to aide release of said criminals to wreak havoc on them

Posted 12 July 2024, 12:25 a.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

Some “MP’s are just the same as some corrupt police. They have literally gotten away with murder, and victimization for decades.

Who can forget the FNM MP that was overheard recommending "head shots" for someone he had an issue with? How can a country function, never mind progress, when the "leaders" themselves have criminal mentalities?

MP's routinely enter politics with nothing, and at the end of 5 years of having contributed nothing identifiable to their constituents, or the country, have acres of Crown Land, are silent partners in all sorts of businesses, build masons with unexplainable funds, or own multiple properties in gated communities.

Meanwhile, struggling, hard working, honest, tax payers, are finding it harder and harder to make ends meet, as these same MP's sit in Parliament dreaming up more ways to increase taxes that actually stifles the economic growth of the entire country.

To add insult to injury, Bahamians are still subject to the real fear of victimization by the same politicians we vote for to protect and lead us.

The entire system of government is counterproductive to business and meaningful growth.

We must find to be a better way of doing things in the short term, because what we now have is simply not working for the vast majority of honest, hardworking, Bahamians.

Posted 12 July 2024, 1 a.m. Suggest removal

Porcupine says...

Absolutely right. However, I would ask in 2024, can we say that the vast majority of Bahamians are honest and hardworking? As opposed to "..simply not working for the vast majority of honest, hardworking, Bahamians. Over time, as with "the fish rots from the head down" and "you are the company you keep", I fear that the rot we see in our political leaders has permeated our entire nation to a degree that has changed the entire moral structure of society. Honesty is a virtue in rarity. The papers illustrate this on a daily basis. Preachers, politicians, lawyers, all have taken the low road for far too long and it didn't take 51 years to get to this point. This observation is made by speaking to many elders who have witnessed, and bear witness to the unarguable decline in our moral fabric. It is not an illusion or a baseless supposition. The current political apparatus is rotten to the criminal core. We see it everywhere. Imagine what we can't see. Do we truly get the politicians we deserve? A valid question, yes?

Posted 12 July 2024, 7:07 a.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

Unquestionably, no one could dispute that preachers, politicians, and lawyers are the root of the decay of the country.

This gang represents the vast majority of "leaders" that facilitate everything wrong throughout the entire country and are well known to support each other regardless of the damage to society at large.

The obvious questions are what do we do about this as country? What must we do as a people to rid ourselves of these hypocritical pirates that have succeeded in convincing the masses that they alone are capable of managing the countries affairs, regardless of the fact that after 51 years of their "leadership" have proven beyond doubt the exact opposite?

How do we implement checks and balances to hold "leaders"100% accountable for campaign promises used to dup the electorate?

The Bahamas is in a very serious mess and sinking to new lows so fast that it has become difficult to catch ones breath before something else is revealed even more devastating.

Posted 12 July 2024, 6:12 p.m. Suggest removal

Porcupine says...

The most salient question you pose.
I don't have an answer, other than, when we started to raise children who have no respect for anything, not life, not the truth, not integrity, do we now have a group of people incapable of electing and producing decent leaders. The leaders we elect come from our society. They do not drop out of outer space. They are us.

Posted 13 July 2024, 7:17 a.m. Suggest removal

ExposedU2C says...

Regarding your last sentence.......I'm okay with you speaking for yourself....but the "They" you speak of as "us" certainly does not include me!

Posted 14 July 2024, 10:08 a.m. Suggest removal

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