Bahamian Youth Sailing Team makes a splash at the Optimist North American Championships

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico – The Bahamian Optimist sailing team recently showcased their remarkable skills and resilience at the Optimist North American Championships held in San Juan, Puerto Rico. 

Under the guidance of coach Martin Manrique and team leader Edgar Diminich, the eight sailors from various Bahamian sailing schools competed on an international stage, earning respect and recognition.

The team, composed of Patrick Tomlinson from Lyford Cay Sailing, Leon Zarchan, Callum Pritchard, and Michael Knowles from the Bahamas National Sailing School, and Finley and Taryn McKinney Lambert, Alethea Tsoumpas, and Javien Rankine from the Eleuthera Sailing Academy, faced challenging conditions with winds of 15 to 20 knots and large waves during the 10-race series.

Following a week of rigorous training and two qualifying days, the fleet was divided into Gold, Silver and Bronze categories. Patrick Tomlinson excelled in the Gold fleet, while Finley ML, Alethea T, and Javien R competed in the Silver fleet, and Leon Z, Callum P, Taryn ML, and Michael K raced in the Bronze fleet.

Patrick Tomlinson’s standout performance included 2nd place in four out of 10 races, finishing 17th overall and 5th among North American Sailors - a remarkable achievement for a Bahamian sailor in an IODA event. Despite facing some setbacks, his performance highlighted his potential among the world’s best sailors.

Finley McKinney-Lambert also impressed, rebounding from a disqualification to secure victory in the Silver fleet (61st overall). The team’s efforts in the team racing event led to a top 8 finish, narrowly missing the semifinals against a strong U.S. team.

Coach Martin Manrique expressed his pride in the team, stating, “I am incredibly proud of the team and truly delighted with the effort each sailor put forth. Having trained them since 2020, it’s truly gratifying to see the Bahamas prominently showcased and gaining respect from countries worldwide. This marks the first occasion where one of our sailors came so close to winning the event itself, and while falling short is disappointing, it’s also a moment to reflect on the tremendous progress and dedication we’ve shown to reach this stage. I’m particularly pleased with the team’s overall performance and the valuable experience they gained. They have all grasped the level of commitment required to compete at this high level, and I’m hopeful they are all eager to continue their hard work and further improve.”

With sailing recently designated as the national sport of the Bahamas, the team’s success at the Optimist North American Championships underscores the growing prominence of sailing within the nation. The Bahamian youth sailing team continues to inspire young athletes and set new standards in the sport.

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