Watson: No olympics on ZNS due to high cost


Tribune Staff ReporterĀ 


ZNS is not broadcasting the Olympic Games this year because it could not afford the rights, according to general manager Clint Watson.

He said ZNS usually tries to collaborate with other networks in the region to buy the rights to host the event because Caribbean networks cannot afford those rights themselves.

He said the last Olympics cost $300,000 to broadcast. This year, the cost would have been about $800,000.

His comment yesterday came after several residents complained that they could not watch Bahamians perform.

A Cable Bahamas representative told The Tribune the company would send a statement on the matter but did not do so before press time.

Team Bahamas comprises 20 athletes.


Sickened says...

Disgraceful! BTC just as bad as BPL. Cheaper they both close down.

Posted 30 July 2024, 9:23 a.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

And Jesus Clint, get a decent shave! Looking like a punk is for young gang-bangers. You're supposed to be a professional.

Posted 30 July 2024, 9:25 a.m. Suggest removal

BMW says...

His beard looks painted on! LOL

Posted 30 July 2024, 10:21 a.m. Suggest removal

BMW says...

Glad I got dish network

Posted 30 July 2024, 10:23 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Nobody wanna see a bunch of transvestite.

Posted 30 July 2024, 11:25 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Bey, this a stupid statement. Wr have all kind money to s3nd athletrs to paris for 2 weeks , yet, we cant see them. Next, we have three athletes whom have a high vhance of getting a medal. We have shaunae, gardiner and charlton. They have a reasonable chance. The.rest....not really. So, why not be practical and send the ones whom can medal and leave the others. We just paid a lot of money for vacations. Now you make a stupid statement like, it is too costly to show the olympics.

Posted 30 July 2024, 12:35 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Actually, he probably has some paint on there.

Posted 30 July 2024, 12:36 p.m. Suggest removal

ExposedU2C says...

For many struggling Bahamians, the headline to this article may just as well have read:

*No food to eat due to high cost.*

Posted 30 July 2024, 7:18 p.m. Suggest removal

mandela says...

We can pay 2.5 million dollars for one elevator in the PM's office, but we can't afford 800 thousand dollars for a country to watch its athletes. This government is turning out to be a piece of s$$t.

Posted 31 July 2024, 12:06 a.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

All the millions of dollars of our taxpayers money that is spent keeping ZNS afloat each year, most all of it goes to pay for bloated number of staff and their large salaries, free medical insurance, and non-contributory pensions. Col. Oakley Bidwell would be truly shocked to see how hat he started has ended up.

Posted 31 July 2024, 1:23 p.m. Suggest removal

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