Olympic opening was anti-Christian

EDITOR, The Tribune.

EVERY five years, the sporting world gathers in the true tradition of the Olympic Oath... significantly to unify the nations in peaceful games.

Millions around the world believers and non-believers, yes I am talking about the Olympics because the Organising Committee who organised the opening decided to insult the millions watching with that stupid depiction of the Christian icon of the Last Supper... why? Was there a deliberate intent? Clearly the theme of the mockery was to inject the LGBT lifestyle on the same level as the Apostles meeting

with Christ on the eve of his Passion and eventual crucifixion... a centrepiece of faith for the Christian world.

The parade happened on Sunday. Government has been totally silent seemingly... not a squeak from anyone, not a squeak from the Christian Council which shocks but has the LGBT community won its day? This was a planned deliberate act by the global LGBT faction to demonstrate at one of the global audience TV events and make a statement... they sure did an ugly despicable anti-Christian statement.

At the minimum, if we are as so conveniently we shout when it is good for us we are a Christian people a Christian nation so now stand and critically complain to the organising committee and to the host nation France.

An apology from the organising committee is not enough, Editor... the world has reduced its objection to the gay lifestyle but now through this depiction the LGBT community is taking on the global christian community... As we say for the Olympics ‘let the game begin... ashamed - hurt - offended. Might not watch any more of the games which I really enjoy.



July 30, 2024.


Twocent says...

This is NOT a Christian nation ! Had it been it’s so-called offense would have caused such an uproar our “representatives” at that event would have been pulled. But no ! Egos mean more than Christ in this nation. Also…it’s a sporting event represented by many nations, and, in the spirit of sportsmanship, should be apolitical and without ideological agendas. If France has an ideology we don’t like….don’t be a part of it! Why do we accept things that stir our conscience but don’t follow our conscience? Self-reflection as a nation…what are our true CORE VALUES and are we holding fast to them?

Posted 31 July 2024, 7:08 p.m. Suggest removal

jt says...

It was a reference to the Feast of Dionysis - not a Christian painting like the Last Supper, which is Italian.

Some things are not for everyone. That’s okay.

If your delicate sensibilities were upset and this ruined your ability to watch a televised sports competition, then I suggest you stay home as the outside world contains many things you’ll find overly harsh.

Believe it or not, this French parade of people exercising their artistic freedom wasn’t about you.

Posted 1 August 2024, 10:51 a.m. Suggest removal

trueBahamian says...

Lol. A bit harsh. Thanks for clarifying what was being depicted. I assumed the writer misunderstood what he saw. We know if it was supposedly some mockery of a Christian religious scene there would have been backlash, not just this one writer. Also, the organizers would have ensured such an offense was not put on display to bring negative press to the games.

Posted 3 August 2024, 1:05 a.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

The Olympics were started long before Christianity was invented. The tableau in the opening of the Paris Olympics simply showed the Greek Gods of the original Olympians. Stop being so easily offended, not everything is about you and the beliefs you have chosen.

Posted 9 August 2024, 4:13 a.m. Suggest removal

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