ORG disappointed on govt’s budget for FOIA


THE Organisation for Responsible Governance (ORG) is disappointed that Davis administration has only budgeted $140,000 for the Freedom of Information Act unit in the upcoming fiscal year, the latest indication that fully enacting the law is not a priority for the administration. 

ORG said the budget is “insufficient for necessary technology, training within the government, and public education”.

ORG called on Bahamians to advocate for the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and other transparency and accountability mechanisms, underlining that “public participation is crucial for ensuring that the budget reflects the needs and priorities of all Bahamians”.

Foreign Affairs Minister Fred Mitchell said in January that the administration opposes the idea of Freedom of Information, even though the PLP pledged to implement the system in its ‘Blueprint For Change’ pre-election manifesto.

Information Commissioner Keith Thompson said that to push the information pilot programme forward, his office needs technology to roll it out.

Successive administrations have made no meaningful progress towards enacting the FOIA.

Earlier this year, legislators passed the Ombudsman Bill.

ORG, however, said there is no evidence in the budget book of funding for the office.

While ORG commended the government on its “progress towards transparency and efficiency in public procurement,” it suggested full compliance with the law remains elusive.

“To fully realise the potential of the Public Procurement Act in fostering sustainable and inclusive economic growth, it is imperative that the online procurement portal fully complies with the legislation,” ORG said. “This includes the timely presentation of all procurement opportunities and the disclosure of award details. Ensuring that state-owned enterprises adhere strictly to these requirements is also crucial. By committing to complete transparency and comprehensive enforcement, we can enhance public trust and create a more competitive and fair procurement environment.”


mandela says...

Wow! 140,000.00 for something that is critical and will benefit all Bahamians, but $2.5 million for an elevator for the PM's office that only benefits a hand full of persons. Make the math make sense. This is exactly why the FOIA is so vitally important. Shame on the PLP.

Posted 4 June 2024, 10 a.m. Suggest removal

ExposedU2C says...

Not to mention the $200,000 plus that corrupt stumpy Davis forced taxpayers to spend on his new fully loaded and very plush BMW so that his already well padded tush is not made too uncomfortable while riding over the enormous potholes in our roads. This most corrupt PM meets every definition of crook and therefore detests transparency and has great disdain for any kind of government oversight by the people.

Posted 4 June 2024, 10:11 a.m. Suggest removal

ExposedU2C says...

> Foreign Affairs Minister Fred Mitchell said in January that the administration opposes the idea of Freedom of Information,.....

If we had an effective FOIA, frequent flier Freddy Boy would have long ago been ousted from politics given the mega-millions of dollars he has wasted and squandered over many years jet setting all over the place and establishing ridiculously opulent and over-staffed diplomatic offices in other countries around the world.

Posted 4 June 2024, 10:02 a.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

Do not know why they are disappointed. This government has had a mouthpiece that came out and emphatically said they do not. care about a FOIA.

Cannot wait for 2026 for this stale wind, fools gold, past day to be gone.

Posted 4 June 2024, 10:47 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

As long as Fred & Brave run the Government/PLP, there will be no FOIA (with teeth)

Posted 4 June 2024, 11:59 a.m. Suggest removal

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