Sex claim about senior govt official dubbed ‘just rumours’


Tribune Staff Reporter

AFTER sex-related rumours about a senior government member spread like wildfire over the weekend, communications director in the Office of the Prime Minister Latrae Rahming said the government is not distracted by “social media trolls”.

Relatives of people alleged to be involved in the matter dismissed the claims as rumours at the Magistrate’s Court yesterday, where their loved ones were dealing with a drugs-related legal matter.

Earlier, Mr Rahming told reporters outside OPM: “We anticipate, as we head into the election season, Bahamians can expect any numbers of persons particularly associated to political parties or non-associated political parties to say a number of defamatory remarks.” 

“I think that from our perspective, we know that with the introduction of AI, we expect deep fakes. We expect a number of doctored images so we understand that we are entering different territories, AI, and we’re very cautious of that.

“I think, taking the same line that the party take, that we encourage all of our members of government, when there are defamatory comments to make reports to the police. We take that very seriously but we aren’t distracted by social media trolls. I mean, that’s their job, they get paid to disrupt the political process and that’s what everyone been focusing on doing the work of the Bahamian people.”

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