Average BPL customers will see annual savings


Tribune Staff Reporter 


THE average Bahamas Power & Light residential customer will save about $460 over a year under the government’s equity rate adjustment, according to Energy Minister Jobeth Coleby-Davis.

The rate adjustments are part of the Davis administration’s energy reform plan and will take effect on July 1.

Under the plan, residents will pay nothing on the first 200kWh they use per month, as the current 10.95 cents they pay will be eliminated, resulting in a monthly savings of $21.90.

For the fuel charge, 2.5 cents will be eliminated on the tariff for the first 800kWh.

“Combining the drop in the residential tariff along with the change to fuel charges will have a lasting effect on the bills of consumers,” Ms Coleby-Davis said during her contribution to the budget debate yesterday in the House of Assembly.

 “Example one: The average residential bill is 655kWh, and they will save about $460 over a year with ERA.”

 “Example two: If your residential bill is more modest at 200kWh, so it doesn’t go over $200 at all for the month –– we have plenty of those, Madam Speaker –– then you will save $323 in a year with ERA. As your bill will be much lower than the first example, this is a relatively larger saving. This is relief, Madam Speaker, and is much needed for our marginalized population.”

 “Example three: If your electricity bill is 900kWh, you’ll still have a lower bill because you’ve had a savings on the first 800kWh, both from the base rate at zero and from the minus 2.5 cents. So, if you have 800, you would naturally pay on your full 800. Now you start your payment from 201, so you are still getting to capture the savings at that category.” 

 She added: “Fifty-eight per cent of residential consumers always consume less than 800 kWh.

 “Fifty-six per cent of regular commercial consumers, not on the general service, always consume less than 800 kWh. 

 “Sixty-nine per cent of the energy is consumed by residential consumers in the first two bands. This means that, while 42 per cent of consumers sometimes consume above 800 units, they seldom go way above.” 

 The new ERA rates will be in effect until the comprehensive tariff review is completed and approved by the government and URCA.

 Mrs Coleby-Davis said energy costs should decrease over time due to efficiency upgrades at BPL, including installing a new HFO boiler at Clifton Pier and two new 30MW LNG burning units. 



Porcupine says...

Overall, will all bills come down?
The point the business community is asking is, even though some people's BPL bill will come down, what about most businesses who will necessarily pass this increase along to their customers, even the so-called marginalized population in our country. This same paper already has highlighted how inflation is outpacing wages. Does Ms. Coleby Davis have a background in basic economics? Or, does she make these statements because she is obligated to protect the administration she works for?
BPL is a failure. There is no quick political fix. Not only has BEC / BPL management failed, due to political interference and abject incompetence, but it has also been fleeced by the employees of that corporation. It appears that everyone has had their hand in the cookie jar.
Do we forget what Mr. Miller said when he was "in charge" of BEC? How many private businesses did he say were being run out of BEC? Do we forget that in this same paper there were tanker trucks stealing diesel on a daily basis from BEC? How many other people were stripping BEC of its assets on a daily basis that we do not know about? How many politicians were lining their pockets from BEC / BPL coffers?
Ignorance is bliss. Ms. Coleby-Davis is out of her league. She deserves sympathy.
And why would we have a marginalized population to begin with?
Who says this is something we should accept in a so-called Christian nation?

Posted 13 June 2024, 11:16 a.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

If you read the dumb a** comments of the PM, he states that people will take this savings and spend more in the economy.

But what they really fail to acknowledge is that the costs for business will go up. SO all that saving in electricity, will be spent now on higher food costs.

Just shifting money from Peter to Paul.

Posted 13 June 2024, 1:29 p.m. Suggest removal

Porcupine says...

These are not dumb a** comments.
These are comments from someone who is trained to speak untruths to those he already knows to be dumb a**.
Do you really think he doesn't know the intellectual limitations to those he is speaking to?
But I get your point.

Posted 14 June 2024, 9:17 a.m. Suggest removal

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