BCC president urges parents: Steer children from crime

BAHAMAS Christian Council president Bishop Delton Fernander is urging parents to intervene when they see their children going down a criminal path.

“If you see your child or young male moving into a life which is not what you want to see in your household, you have to partner with the schools, the church, and youth programmes and make a decisive effort to change the course of direction," he said yesterday. "Even if you have to report your child as unruly."

Bishop Fernander said there is deep concern about the young men who are being killed in the country. His comments came after a double homicide claimed the lives of two male teenagers who were at a residence north of Carmichael Road on Faith Avenue on Monday.

He mentioned that gangs continue to prey on young men, resulting in many of them becoming involved in a life of crime. He noted that some boys are even joining gangs from the young age of primary school.

“We need to pay attention to our boys,” Bishop Fernander stressed.

Bishop Fernander said sometimes young men live a double life.

“The challenge is that the child in your house is different than the child at school,” he said. “We have to have a community that can speak to our children even when we're not there. I know it seems old-fashioned, but we've got to have permission as adults in the community to help change the course of our young men.”


truetruebahamian says...

Who are the heads of the gangs? They must be known. Drawing children into gang activity is criminal. What if they don’t wish to shoot a person who they are ordered to do? These gang members should organize themselves into self controlling and independent groups like unions and work against the gang controllers, turn them is and if necessary eliminate them from their blight on society and their friends and siblings.

Posted 1 March 2024, 5:51 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

One thing that baffles me is when people join groups claiming liberation and then end up enslaved by the new and always weird and crazy rules set up by the leaders. Notice this trend typically in radicalized groups be they religious, afro-centered or criminal

Posted 2 March 2024, 2:24 a.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

His Excellency the good Bishop Delton,
Has a solution to the country’s crime problem.
Wayward chillren, especially boys,
Must be redirected to wholesome toys.
School social clubs and Christian church,
Must fill the adolescent search,
For meaning in this violent land,
Where gangs and death walk hand in hand.

Posted 1 March 2024, 6:37 p.m. Suggest removal

Porcupine says...

Art is essential in times such as these.

Posted 2 March 2024, 5:37 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

Bishop Delton Fernander is just another politically motivated "talking head" attempting to deflect the narrative from 50 years of failed PLP and FNM leadership, and blame everything on the "family"!

The days of accepting bullshyt from the pulpit, and politicians kicking the can down the road, ducking, dodging, and deflecting responsibility are over!

The undeniable real life realities of where we are, and how we got here, must be addressed head on if we are to "redirect" the path of the country.

**NO Bishop Delton Fernander. The "family" cannot be held responsible** for the failed education system that produced D average education to Bahamians for 50 years leading to people fending for themselves to survive resulting in where we find ourselves today.

Meanwhile since1965 the children of politicians benefited from the best education money can buy in the Bahamas and abroad on the backs of Bahamians!

Our crooked, self serving, politicians knew damn well how to educate their own children, but couldn't care less about the average Bahamians children.

In fact, education was of much better standard and included mandatory vocational training prior to the PLP coming to power! Building school "building" with dumbed down substance was a complete PLP and FNM failure.

**NO Bishop Delton Fernander. The "family" cannot be held responsible** for the failed immigration policies that encouraged illegal migration from Haiti, the most illiterate, poorest, deprived, violent, non-socialized, country in the hemisphere to proliferate in the Bahamas.

Exactly what did our crooked politicians think would result from flooding the Bahamas with the poorest most violent people in the Caribbean?

We are reaping today what the PLP and FNM sowed for 50 years!

**NO Bishop Delton Fernander. The "family" cannot be held responsible** for double digit unemployment of our youth who are forced to join gangs for survival in the streets, because our incompetent politicians failed to prepare them for low skilled blue collar domestic jobs now filled by Asians and Latinos.

The music has stopped playing, and it is a deafening sound!

Posted 2 March 2024, 8:42 a.m. Suggest removal

Porcupine says...

"The days of accepting bullshyt from the pulpit, and politicians kicking the can down the road, ducking, dodging, and deflecting responsibility are over! "
If only.........

Posted 2 March 2024, 5:39 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

SMT...If doo doo was a person

Posted 3 March 2024, noon Suggest removal

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