GOVT DITCHES BAIL MONITOR COMPANY: Previous provider chosen to take over ankle bracelet service


Tribune News Editor

THE government has cancelled its electronic monitoring contract with Metro Security Solutions and selected Migrafill Electronic Security, the previous provider of the service, to take over monitoring persons on bail.

The Ministry of National Security sent Metro Security Solutions a show-cause letter in February, demanding it explain and remedy problems within 30 days associated with its performance.

Ultimately, the Royal Bahamas Police Force pushed for a change, according to National Security Minister Wayne Munroe, who told The Tribune: “They ought to have received 30-day notice of termination by now. Last week, the meeting was supposed to take place. The terms of the contract permit it to be terminated on either party giving a 30-day notice.”

 Mr Munroe said a request for a new service provider was “put in the portal a week or so ago” and has since been closed.

 “The police had indicated that they prefer somebody who has done it before for obvious reasons,” he said. “I think I saw ICS saying that they weren’t interested, and I know Migrafill responded to the offer in the portal.”

“The police have been advocating for them because police say it’s a superior device and it permits them to communicate with the citizen as well through the device itself.”

 The last PLP administration awarded Migrafill the electronic monitoring service in 2016, taking the business from ICS Security Concepts.

 Mr Munroe said it is counterproductive to national security interests to say too much publicly about the ankle monitoring system.

“I think I saw a press conference with Greenslade from ICS. I agree with him that there should not be extended discussion about these things publicly for the obvious reason that some deficiencies are inherent in any piece of machinery, and to highlight things like it publicly informs persons who may have bad intent of things they might not otherwise know about, things they may not have otherwise thought about, so we’d just like to be measured in what we say,” he said.

 “It is unwise to have extended conversations over these things.”

 As the murder rate soared in late December and January, attention centred on the frequency with which people accused of serious crimes get bail and the ease with which some broke their bail conditions.

 Police Commissioner Clayton Fernander said some people removed their bracelets easily with just a paper clip.

 Last year, Orin Bethel, president of Metro Security Solution, told this newspaper police sometimes failed to respond to the company’s SMS messages about people breaching their bail, citing the example of George Seymour, who was killed in August.

 “I remember the names because these are people who could have been alive if somebody could care enough to go do something,” he said. “We had sent a report to the police on August 17 to say that George Seymour was breaking curfew. They did not take action. Three days later, he was killed at Charms nightclub, breaking curfew again.”


Dawes says...

Why was Migrafill ditched the last time? Have they corrected the issues or are they just a group that is connected to the governing party?

Posted 12 March 2024, 9:01 a.m. Suggest removal

mandela says...

Most likely the latter.

Posted 12 March 2024, 9:46 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

So we are doing th3 el3ction thing, switching from p to fnm. Now. We are switching from present pro iser to one we used in the past. We switch from btc to cable, cable to btc. Our options are limited. And we are.screwed.

Posted 12 March 2024, 10:05 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Minister Munrore's  [monitors] must've reported back. --- [Be careful minister,] minister be careful upon hearing the growing [battle cry] of a large number of its popoulaces' that will be torn apart if the [Haiti decision] goes ahead. --- The [divine] saving of lives is for the crown's comrade security minister to know that [it's not  a demonstration of weakness] to ask for ['divine guidance'] to show the way to [backslide] by ditching its Haiti decision. --- Why after the colony's troop ankles' are planted into Haitian soil, [extractions] will grow dangerously difficult]. ---But less if extracted --- [zipped up in body bags]. --- Yes?

Posted 12 March 2024, 1:16 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

DONT MISS THE POINT: the major issue or concern is ( or should be) tge number if (ACCUSED) persons who are not violating their bail conditions, who continue to wear their ankle monitors, but end up DEAD! Some ( many ) may be innocent but they ( apparently) are being executed by vigilante or street justice. And this is causing the dominoes to continue to fall and the tit for tat’ you kill my dog and I kill your cat . But, unfortunately it’s neither digs nor cats that are being killed.
And then the ones who tamper with or remove their monitors are almost found in violation of their bail conditions and even out of the jurisdiction. And the law needs to come down on them heavily. And the longer they go unmonitored, the greater the chances of them being involved in serious crime. The previous monitoring company blamed the police for not responding in a timely manner so maybe there needs a rapid response team to deal with ankle bracelet violations.

Posted 12 March 2024, 2:35 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

The question is. --- When is '[ministerial willfulness'] to set-in --- Yes?

Posted 12 March 2024, 2:57 p.m. Suggest removal

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