PM lacking honesty on the issues

EDITOR, The Tribune.

IT never ceases to amaze me how politicians so quickly change their media postures immediately after attaining the office they are shooting for, in this instance prime minister! For one, in a seeming chorus they all shout from the roof tops the need for transparency and accountability while in opposition but once in office very few want any real association with those two words. Lip service maybe, but actual delivery? Not! I hope the present leader of the opposition, Michael Pintard, who seems a real honorable man and not just a holder of a title bestowed in Parliament, will stand out remaining true to these ideals.

First, Dr Hubert Minnis who avoided the media like the plague when he became prime minister, though some would argue not enough and certainly not at enough of the right times as he was the local embodiment of Shakespeare’s Miss Malaprop, which helped to contribute to his election loss in 2021. He became a deer in the headlights when he saw a microphone coming, a far cry from how he acts today once again in opposition.

As prime minister Dr Minnis refused to answer simple, reasonable questions from the media when he was not throwing out some head scratching response that had most people asking what in the world he was talking about. He is now once again the best friend of the media.

Now, here comes Prime Minister Philip Davis with his well documented amnesia and refusal to answer questions he finds inconvenient. The most recent incident involves questions about spending the people’s money to campaign in Bimini and Grand Bahama. He says some answers will be given during the mid year budget debate but the questions are misguided. For asking for accountability and transparency when spending the people’s money?

I cannot overlook what is happening with BPL, a particular albatross that has haunted the prime minister since his days as deputy prime minister. Half truths and outright lies have been the hallmark of his communications regarding the power company. The unions are now calling him on his lack of transparency by telling them one thing as opposition leader, including signing a MOU, but apparently disregarding that document in his efforts to “deal” with BPL and the “high energy” costs on the Bahamian people.

I am among the many Bahamians who take no comfort in anything the prime minister promises about BPL given his track record. I am also among the many Bahamians who want him to apologise for putting up those offensive billboards and saying something so unbelievable like, “that was then, this is now.” Really Mr Prime Minister?

Our last two prime ministers have one thing in common that no one should be proud of. Believe what they tell you at your own risk!




March 6, 2024.


moncurcool says...

Spot on letter.

Trust Pintard does not follow in their footsteps

Posted 14 March 2024, 3:53 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

You mean Pintard of toggie and boggie fame sometimes he seems to be a member of the looney farm mad and crazy the Fnm is scraping the bottom of the Barell there is nothing there

Posted 16 March 2024, 2:53 p.m. Suggest removal

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