We should be better than this

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Many years ago when I was a student, I remember being very annoyed by a novel by Evelyn Waugh called “Black Mischief”. I was annoyed because I was of the opinion that the author used a fictional country to illustrate how he thought blacks misgoverned their countries.

Now, I am angry that 50 years after Independence my country is being run by politicians who seem to have been schooled by Black Mischief.

While the country’s infrastructure is falling apart, the social security network on which so many persons depend is going broke.

Persons are afraid to leave their homes because of crime, children are graduating from schools with little education, and health care is tenuous, the country has a government which thinks nothing of paying almost a quarter of a million dollars for a car for the Prime Minister. The leaders travel to the ends of the earth with Gussiemae delegations, contracts are given out without explanations, court cases are settled without the persons who are bearing the cost knowing how much is being paid and the make up of the Civil Service is changed without a thought for the consequences.

Meanwhile the populace is paying taxes and fees and watching standards of living dissipate … small wonder so many of our young people are not returning after studying abroad.

We should be better than this. Bahamians we deserve better and we should demand better. And remember we can control the situation and not just at election time.



March 20, 2024.