Two shot while in a vehicle on Ferguson Street, one man dead


A 22-year-old man on bail was murdered yesterday, the 51st murder of the year.

A 28-year-old man who was with him was shot and taken to the hospital.

Two men were reportedly inside a silver coloured Suzuki Solio travelling east on Ferguson Street when they were obstructed by the driver of a small grey Japanese vehicle as they approached the intersection of Rupert Dean Lane.

Three masked men –– two armed with handguns and one wielding a high-powered weapon –– got out of their vehicle and opened fire on the victim’s car. 

The two victims attempted to flee the scene in their vehicle, but were pursued by the three masked men. Ultimately, Brandon Adderley, 22, was fatally wounded. 

Police received a report about the shooting around 3.45pm. 

Chief Superintendent of Police Chrislyn Skippings said the victim was found with a loaded firearm and was being electronically monitored for murder and firearm-related matters.

He is the second person this week to be murdered while on bail. Another man, also on bail, was killed in Grand Bahama. 

Carlos Reid, an anti-crime activist and a consultant at the Ministry of National Security, said: “Imagine couple of them bullets, while these children walking from school, hit some of them children. Then what? It could’ve been your own children. It could’ve been your grandchildren. We all are a part of this, and we all gotta come together and solve this.”


bahamianson says...

So we arw.still coming together to solve this, yet only carlos is getting paid. He has not stopped anything. He needs to be fired. Also, moncur and the commissioner needa to be firwd. They were all hired by the plp because of their wealth of knowledge and experience. If it were the nba, they would be yraded to the lakers.

Posted 17 May 2024, 5:47 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

Lol....Everybody with sense said this from day one. The PLP hired the three biggest stooges ever imaginable. Carlos has always been a master bullshyter, Moncur is a first class jackass, and the commissioner never knew nothing about anything!

These are the kind of blind followers the **PLP AND FNM** always reward with major decision making positions because they are mindless drones.

Our country remains backwards because capable people with sense will not waste their time joining governments that invest all of their time reinventing wheels.

The PLP position on ganja is a classic example where the government relied on self proclaimed Bahamian "experts" to reinvent the wheel regarding ganga policies for the nation regardless of the fact that REAL COUNTRIES have long studied and concluded that keeping ganja illegal is a no win battle.

The biggest impediment to moving the Bahamas forward is the banana republic mindset of our "learned" politicians.

Posted 19 May 2024, 8 a.m. Suggest removal

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