We’re not there yet’ on recreational marijuana


Tribune Staff Reporter


PRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis said his administration decided now is not the appropriate time for facilitating some recreational use of cannabis, saying the only focus is legalising marijuana for medicinal and religious purposes.

The Davis administration tabled a compendium of bills in the House of Assembly last Wednesday to legalise cannabis for medical and religious use while decriminalising possession of small amounts of marijuana.

Once a controversial matter, permitting the drug to be used for recreational reasons in a limited way has been done in various jurisdictions. The US Virgin Islands in January 2023 authorised the recreational and sacramental use of marijuana for anyone 21 and older, for instance.

Asked why the government has not taken a more aggressive approach, Mr Davis said: “We’re not there yet.”

“The jury is still out on the impact of recreational use,” he told reporters on the sideline of a graduation ceremony at the University of the Bahamas for an Artificial Intelligence (AI) course yesterday.

“There have been some studies that demonstrate that irresponsible use of marijuana could lead to harm to the individual and to their mental state. We want to have a clear understanding of what recreational use will be, hence all we’re doing at the moment is dealing with the issue of relief for medicinal purposes and because of our constitutional constraints about freedom of religion, to allow use in the religions where the conscience permit the use of marijuana.”

Asked if the government would consider consultation for recreational use of marijuana use in the future, Mr Davis said when the government consulted on the current marijuana bill, there were representations made for it to be widened to recreational use.

“We as a government did not think it’s appropriate at this time as we don’t have sufficient data to rely on in respect to the impact on the recreational use,” he said. “When we move to do anything in relation to such a subject as that, yes, we will talk to the public before we move further with that initiative.”


mandela says...

That is a dumb way of thinking, as long as illegal Marijuana is sold in the Bahamas, we will continue to have turff war, fighting to control certain areas. Making Marijuana legal does not mean that every Bahamian will now start smoking, because legal or not the persons who smoke now, with it being illegal will be the same ones smoking when it is legal and persons who don't will not. The difference will be no more turff war, no more fighting for control of sales, and instead of the government receiving nothing but headache they will then receive a good revenue.

Posted 23 May 2024, 8:56 a.m. Suggest removal

rosiepi says...

“We’re not there yet” is an apt moniker for Davis&Company’s governance every time they come into power. A skin of promises over an ever bulging mass of hot air…
The Marijuana Commission’s report was produced under former PM Minnis, as were legislative bills to allow it’s medical use.
Work was also completed to ensure those who’d been charged because of personal use, ie. small amount, had the relevant info to go about filing to have their records expunged.

And still we hear “we’re not there yet” on recreational use, get the bill prepared passed for medical use, get on with it!
These officials’ gang buds in the business shouldn’t be worried, they’re still in business!
Besides y’all will be sure to hand out licenses for growing/selling for medical use go to the ‘right’ people. Right?

Posted 23 May 2024, 11:49 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

BRAVE DAVIS is only grandstanding! Once the US Department if Justice reclassifies marijuana afrim a class A dangerous drug to a less dangerous and harmful drug like aspirin and cough syrup, most of the legislation tge Brave Davis is attempting to pass, especially for the growing and handling of marijuana, and tge hefty fines for tge violations of those regulations will become null and void. Marijuana, by law ‘in ordinary quantities’ will no longer be a contraband and whilst but may still be a controlled substance, the penalty for having regular amounts in one’s possession will not warrant jail time. The issue Tge Bahamas will have to deal with, regardless if whatever laws are in the books is the explosive marijuana culture that has taken the country by storm. Especially since the pandemic. Young people seem to be self medicating on a combination of marijuana and alcohol and this seems to be driving a lot of violent crime in the country. In other jurisdictions where marijuana was made legal or, at least decrimilize led, crime ( violent crimes) decreased. So yes tgere should be a grave concern for marijuana use among minors as it is known to inhibit learning abilities and memory. And on the other end, most people tend to wean themselves off recreational marijuana in their early 39’s. Either when they get married and start a family or get job with more responsibilities or one that require them to look the part and not like a weedhead

Posted 23 May 2024, 2:04 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

A lot of hype about marijuana will fall away once the sinister hype around it is removed.

Posted 23 May 2024, 2:06 p.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

Clearly there is a lot of confusion about this dangerous drug called marijuana. We can find justification for its continued use and abuse from a million angles but that does not erase the scientific evidence which shows that marijuana is a gateway drug which leads to the use and abuse of even more dangerous and addictive drugs like cocaine, heroin and fentanyl. Pretty soon our beautiful country will no longer be known for its beautiful beaches as it will become known for the free access to drugs. Let’s get serious. We are tampering with the psychological and mental destruction of our youth.

Posted 23 May 2024, 3:56 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

The gateway to all drugs is poor family structure peer pressure and lack of education. Everyone who try alcohol buy numbers, smoke, cigarettes, gang bang till ya dead was following company. Let's just get real here. Marijuana as a gateway drug is a worn out 1970s cliche. The Bahamas dies not have the social degradation to support heroine or fentanyl $300.00 a pop. Marijuana has been used to self medicate stress and anxiety away for the past 70 years and before 1970 fir thousands of years. It takes a genius to create a scenario of Bahamians spoon feeding their babies a joint. But it is great to have an imagination without social, honest and full of misleading untruths wrapped in candy paper of ignorance.

Posted 23 May 2024, 5:38 p.m. Suggest removal

ExposedU2C says...

> Stumpy Davis said his administration decided now is not the appropriate time for facilitating some recreational use of cannabis, saying the only focus is legalising marijuana for medicinal and ***religious purposes.***

Religious purposes my arse. We're not talking about a material used to produce a fragrant odor (pleasing scent) when burned. This most devious and deceitful PM we have knows full well that every cannabis smoking Tom, Dick & Harry, and every weed puffing Sally, Jane & Sue, will all instantly become card carrying members of the rastafarian religion so that they can be as spiritually high as they want whenever and wherever they desire.

Secondary smoke is a serious irritant and health hazard for many, especially the elderly and obsese in our society. Then there's that God awful pungent smell that is offensive and a great nuisance to many of us. Today there are many other ways of getting the medicinal benefits of THC without the smoke. How is it our minister of health (Darville) and other doctors are not pointing this out to the government ??!!

Posted 23 May 2024, 5:40 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Obviously you are a total novice to the Bush Medicine, Cannabis. I psy plenty money and plenty long hours repurposing my old brsin to know what I know and become Certified, Center for Addiction and Mental Health CAMH , certified by The College Of Family Physicians Of Canada along with Cannabis And Mental Health - Mental Health Commission of Canada.

The brsin has its own Cannabis production facility that produces Endo Cannabinoid (EC) A bush medicine named Cannabis also produces Cannabinoids called Phyto Cannabinoids (PC).

2AG along with Anandermide controls Mood, stress and memory. But they stretch extremely broad. The chemicals from the Cannabis Bush Medicine also control mood stress and memory. Many of our bodily illnesses are grounded in our emotional state of mind. Because persons may not produce enough EC or the receptors in the brsin may be inadequate they may experience psychosomatic imbalances reflected by mood, chronic pains from cancers, lack of sexual arousal brought on by menopause, chronic dradly stress, eating disorders or plain malcontents. In this case doctors realize the need to restore balance as PC tends to upregulate or down-regulate mentsl activity without deadly side medications.

THC and CBD are two of the 150 or so natural derivatives of the Cannabis plant. THC makes one happy, hungry and groggy. CBD is known for fighting inflammations.Cannabus was a universal component of all doctors Pharmacopeia until the 1950s fir labor pains arthritis hunger and general well being.

Posted 23 May 2024, 6:56 p.m. Suggest removal

ExposedU2C says...

You certainly sound like a mad scientist who has loaded on self-serving misinformation in the hope of acquiring great cannabis wealth at great cost to our society. I would not be surprised if you work for that most disgusting thug Sebas Bastian.

Posted 24 May 2024, 9:31 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Cannabis has a trajectory effect based on age 23 and under heavy adult work load and stress 30 to 50 and medicine for chronic illness with pain. Up to age 23 Cannabis creates laziness upon laziness with great great appetite. Cannabis first use is through contact with someone who smokes and makes it seem okay to use. Users who are introduced mostly in school or hanging out with loosers will also see a hurting in their economic wallets as adults, as laziness dies not pay off. As it stands one billion dollars in Cannabis money is generated within The Bahamas each year. It has cut down significantly because Florida and Canada has grown from consumer to great export potential.

Posted 23 May 2024, 7:07 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Dope is the PLP shiny new toy for 2026 ......

Slogan will be:

We gave y'all numbers, now we giving y'all dope.

Posted 23 May 2024, 7:56 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Abu Dhabi just legalized alcohol to increase Western tourists and stop locking them up for it. 147 million Cannabis smokers avoid The Bahamas strict laws of the whole Caribbean.

Posted 23 May 2024, 8:55 p.m. Suggest removal

ExposedU2C says...

There's more to life than the cannabis wealth that you and your partner so desperately crave.

Posted 24 May 2024, 11:58 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Help to the suffering first. So by your logic there are zero millionaire doctors.

Further,concerning the pharmacology of Cannabis that caused it to be abandoned by European Doctors in the 1800. Cannabis gave then trouble in dosing. Whereby, Cannabinoids do not behave by mathematical principles Mg per kilo of body weight but rather titration. At first low and slow for first time users. Individuals tolerances cannot be guaged for measured. Start at 3% THCA heat to THC bioactive. Most Canbabis is at 15% percent because they are grown in 24/7 unnatural conditions without a night break without light. This adds to potency as darkness is only allowed to make the plant flower after a full bushy bushy growth to increase the yield.
Today's Cannibas 1. high THC low CBD. 2. half THC/CBD 3. high CBD low THC. It is suggested that Sativa or Indica sleeps one or speeds one.

Posted 25 May 2024, 12:44 p.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

This is total foolishness, ignorance and self serving rationalizations. Please include your references for this nonsense. No peer reviewed academic journal would accept this hogwash which pretends to be scholarly. Come on Carlton61 give it up.

Posted 25 May 2024, 3:04 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Just click it on your phone. Further, for men who bending over the hill. Cannabis works to relax so blu boy could work effectively.


Don't worry topdude. If I say something I gat plenty plenty backup. So Brave better hurry homeboy needs more help.

Posted 25 May 2024, 5:42 p.m. Suggest removal

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