Minnis made ‘cardinal’ errors as PM, says former FNM election coordinator


Tribune Staff Reporter


DR NIGEL Lewis, who former Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis appointed coordinator of the FNM’s 2021 general election campaign, is supporting Michael Pintard in the upcoming leadership race, claiming Dr Minnis made “cardinal” errors during his time as prime minister.

“As far as my personal choice is concerned, I used to be a very strong advocate for Dr Minnis, but not today,” he said yesterday. “I believe that we need a Michael Pintard, a young man who was an extraordinary talent.”

Although Dr Minnis said he is running for FNM leader because he believes he has unfinished business, many of the people he worked with as the head of Cabinet and the FNM do not support his vision and have backed Mr Pintard ahead of the June 1 race.

“I think that what they are saying is basically the same thing that I would have said to you,” Dr Lewis said yesterday. “Dr Minnis had an opportunity, but he did not take full advantage of it. Let’s put it like this: every one of those persons, Cabinet ministers and MPs who were in his administration, if he was a very strong leader, if he was truly that competent authority, you would have seen all of them lined up behind him.” 

“They must have great doubt as to his competence, and they must have a tremendous amount of comfort in Michael Pintard because they would have gone from their prime minister to their fellow Cabinet member, and they lined up behind him to make him, if they could, the next prime minister. I think that the Bahamian people, FNM in general in particular, and the Bahamian populace, they all would know that that is the message that has been sent.

Dr Lewis said he believes Dr Minnis did a good job initially, but made mistakes during the COVID-19 pandemic, such as becoming the competent authority.

He said that caused him to be blamed for missteps with which he may not have been personally involved.

“We have a situation where persons were arrested for going to the water pump to take water back to their house because they didn’t have running water in their homes,” he noted. “We had situations where people were arrested for stealing coconut.”

“It would’ve been a wonderful situation for Dr Minnis if he had, during those two particular incidents, stepped forward and said, listen, you cannot really arrest somebody for going to collect water, the basic necessity. You should not arrest somebody for selling coconut.”

He also said Dr Minnis’ approach to announcing lockdowns was flawed because he did not give people enough time to buy necessary items.

“Because of those missteps, I’m of the opinion that he has become more than likely the most disliked prime minister that we would have had and it’s still very present in most people’s minds, memories,” he said.

Dr Minnis did not respond to calls and WhatsApp messages seeking comment yesterday.


TalRussell says...

Nothing new here that **wasn't widely known,** going into the General Election.-- I'd define Dr. Nigel Lewis as one who it now turns out that Dr Hubert Minnis, might've screwed himself out of being returned to the colony's premiership job by appointing an **non-believer as his 2021 general election campaign coordinator,** a man who held deep negative opinions about his own candidate.--That is, unless the two doctors were made aware, beforehand, of such held negatives'.--Yes?

Posted 29 May 2024, 11:39 a.m. Suggest removal

pablojay says...

Dr. Minnis was given a chance ,but his leadership had failed miserably. It was obvious to all and sundry that a mistake was made, from the time of Loretta
Butler and onwards. He was shown to be one who could not think on his feet, hence no more press conferences as they they almost always were an embarrassment for him.I sincerely
believe that he did not take on the minister of finance portfolio because he could not handle it.
The icing on the cake was when he called an early election ,because it showed how out of touch he was,as it was quite obvious to everyone besides himself that the F.N.M. was in for a serious
cut ass,though i did not think it would have been as bad as it was.When he spoke of "during our next term in office", i used to tell my friends that i could just see him opening the office door in his white coat ,clipboard in hand shouting,"Next!"

Posted 29 May 2024, 2:32 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Terrible political strategy that Adrian White - Elected to the House, representing the great Shirlea district is being sidestepped.---Yes?

Posted 29 May 2024, 3:04 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

> Publicly airing internal conflicts
> will not help the Free National
> Movement (FNM) emerge from its
> political wilderness.

The Bahamian electorate is deeply concerned about their future in a country that has decayed to the point where a record number of Bahamians have left, with more planning to follow. This exodus highlights the pervasive sentiment that the nation increasingly serves the interests of a select few and foreign entities. Critical concerns such as rising crime rates, a failing healthcare system, societal instability, an inadequate education system, the high cost of living, job insecurity, and pervasive lawlessness dominate the public discourse. Additionally, there is widespread disillusionment with a corrupt political process characterized by cronyism and victimization. Many fear political assassination and being labelled for exercising their right to choose. Addressing these issues is paramount for restoring confidence and hope among Bahamians for FNM and PLP.

Posted 29 May 2024, 3:44 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

What a bunch of hypocrites Mr Pintard is closer to 60 what is so young about that .they lied and said Dr Minnis was a great man now he has become the devil from hell this crew can not be trusted they lie faster than fish swim shame on all of them Mr Pintard really

Posted 29 May 2024, 5:56 p.m. Suggest removal

realfreethinker says...

birdie stay out of those people business. You are a kiss ass koolaid, drinking , card carrying member of the plp. Please stop your shit

Posted 29 May 2024, 7:56 p.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

These are all bold faced lies. Dr. Lewis is a turncoat. Mr. Pintard is uneducated for the job. Those who are opposing Dr Minnis are those who know they will not be selected for a cabinet position. Mr. Pintard has promised each one of these turncoats and every Tom, Dick, Tina and Harriet every position from a limited portfolio of positions in order to gain their fragile and fleeting support. Mr. Pintard is an unprincipled, irresponsible and disrespectful person. I for one know that Dr. Minnis is the man for the job. It is better to Vote for the person you know than the devil you don’t.

Posted 30 May 2024, 9:32 a.m. Suggest removal

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