Private pilots launch Bahamas travel alert


Tribune Business Editor

The world’s largest private pilots group yesterday issued a “travel advisory” alert on The Bahamas over “the substantial and egregious” fee increases imposed on the sector in the 2024-2025 Budget.

The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA), which represents between 300,000 to 400,000 private plane owners and pilots, said it “feels a responsibility” to warn an industry that generates one out of every six stopover tourists to The Bahamas about “the significant fees they will pay” upon landing in this nation.

And the Association implied it had been forced to adopt this stance because of “little to no response from the Bahamian government”, as well as Prime Minister Philip Davis KC, to its pleas to adjust hikes that represent a three-fold and six-fold increase, respectively, on the previous Customs fee structure for private aviation which was $50 “inbound” and zero “outbound”.

Unveiling its Bahamas “travel advisory” across all its private aviation digital media and communication network, AOPA said its president, Mark Baker, had submitted an alternative fee structure to the Government in August this year but again received no reply.

Identifying the “high fees” as the rationale for its Bahamas travel alert, AOPA said: “As of July 1, 2024, the Bahamas Customs & Excise Department has imposed substantial and egregious fees on pilots flying general aviation aircraft on recreational flights. Pilots should be mindful of these new and additional fees before considering flying to The Bahamas.”

It added that these fees “in many cases exceeded” those being imposed on the larger commercial airlines, but its pleas for The Bahamas to reconsider had seemingly fallen on deaf ears despite AOPA’s president reaching out to Mr Davis on several occasions.

“Baker also submitted an alternative fee proposal in August that included an annual decal programme, but the Prime Minister has not responded,” AOPA said. “After repeated attempts to find an equitable resolution to the high fees with the Prime Minister over the past few months - even proposing a more reasonable fee schedule, and a personal request from Baker to meet in The Bahamas with the Prime Minister- AOPA has received little to no response from the Bahamian government.

“Although AOPA stands ready to work with officials in The Bahamas to resolve the imposition of unfair and unreasonable fees, and ensure general aviation activity in The Bahamas continues to be robust and accessible, AOPA feels a responsibility to issue a Travel Advisory to alert its hundreds of thousands of members about the significant fees they will pay when visiting The Bahamas.”

Mr Baker added: “These fees will not only discourage pilots from flying to The Bahamas, but they will also have a negative impact on the Bahamian citizens and businesses involved in the tourism industry, especially in the outer islands that are most easily reached by general aviation aircraft.

“I’m ready fly to The Bahamas as soon as the Prime Minister is able to meet on this issue. Pilots understand the need to impose fees for infrastructure improvements, but it is a real shame the Bahamian government has chosen to penalise private pilots whose desire is to enjoy all The Bahamas has to offer.”

Latrae Rahming, the Prime Minister’s communications director, asked Tribune Business to “share” the AOPA advisory with him when contacted for comment, which this newspaper duly did. However, no reply was received before press time last night.

Rick Gardner, a Bahamas flying ambassador and director of CST Flight Services, which provides support services to the general aviation industry, last night told Tribune Business that the fee increases have provided “a gift” to this nation’s nearby Caribbean competitors - the Dominican Republic, Turks & Caicos Islands and the Cayman Islands - by giving private pilots an incentive to travel there instead.

“These guys are going to go somewhere else,” he warned. “We’ve incentivised them to go a bit further. I think that it is tragic that, despite having the long standing support of AOPA and of the all-volunteer group of Bahamas Flying Ambassadors at its disposal, the Government would proceed with major investments and increased/new fees without asking for guidance or feedback beforehand.

“Unfortunately this is not the first time that the Government has done this, which leads me to wonder why they keep risking the alienation of a very attractive tourism market. A market that does not need, nor want, fancy airline terminals, large commercial parking ramps nor any large infrastructure projects.

“All they need is a runway without potholes and a decent place to park their planes. Yet here we are again. This pattern of behaviour does not bode well for the general aviation tourism market that provides its own transportation to any Family Island in The Bahamas.”

Mr Gardner said the Government has for years either been increasing or adding new aviation-related fees, but the promised airport and other infrastructure upgrades that these monies were supposed to finance have yet to materialise.

“For many years now, the Government has been adding or increasing fees on private aircraft under the argument that the funds are needed to maintain and improve the runways. Well, during all of those years the improvements that I have seen were actually funded by the resort owners on those islands so that private aircraft could safely land and visit their destinations,” he told Tribune Business.

“Now the Government is handing over the ports of entry of the country to private operators who will no doubt be more focused on the well-being of their profits and not on the well-being of those hard working Bahamians who depend on tourism

“Every aircraft that stops travelling to The Bahamas due to these actions is not just depriving the airport operators and government of the hundreds of dollars in fees but, rather, the Bahamian tourism economy of the thousands of dollars they would have spent on ground transportation, lodging, restaurants, activities etc,” he continued.

“And one of the great things about private aircraft, they will go wherever the owner wants them to go. Turks and Caicos, the Dominican Republic and other Caribbean tourism destinations are being handed a gift.”

Kerry Fountain, the Bahama Out Island Promotion Board’s executive director, told Tribune Business he was “not surprised” to learn of AOPA’s actions but declined to comment and instead referred this newspaper to his previous comments on the issue when he warned that this nation is “eliminating our competitive advantage” every time it raises fees on the private aviation industry.

Warning that private pilots will “fly beyond us if they feel slighted”, he lamented the failure to consult, and provide advance warning, to an industry responsible for bringing more stopover visitors to The Bahamas than Canada, Europe and Latin America combined on the increased Customs fees.

And, given that Florida provided 95,000 of the 323,000 total private aviation visitors to The Bahamas in 2023 to cement its status as the leading US source market, Mr Fountain warned that every time fees increase it threatens to undermine this nation’s main competitive advantage of proximity.

The fee increases, unveiled as part of the Customs Management (Amendment) Regulations 2024, represent a three-fold and six-fold increase, respectively, on the previous Customs fee structure for private aviation which was $50 “inbound” and zero “outbound”.

Now, with the changes, commercial jets will have to pay a $50 “inbound” and $50 “outbound” fee for a total of $100. However, a private plane with four seats or less “including all seats in the cabin” is now faced with paying $75 each way for a total of $150.

That is slightly more than the $100 fee for a commercial jet, but private aircraft with more than four seats “including all seats in the cabin” now face having to pay $150 “inbound” and “outbound” fees to Customs for a total $300. So-called “recreational” flights will only pay $150 “inbound”, but it is unclear what this definition means and how it will be applied.

AOPA said yesterday: “General aviation is an important segment of The Bahamas’ tourism industry. According to data from the Ministry of Tourism, stopover visitors who arrive by private aviation nearly double the number of stopover visitors who arrive by private boat or arrive by cruise ships and stay at least 24 hours off ship.

“Additionally, many private aviation visitors frequent the less accessible Out Islands, providing a crucial economic boost to hotels, restaurants and activities in those areas.

“For many years, AOPA has worked closely with the Bahamian government and Ministry of Tourism to promote the country as a prime destination for general aviation travel, but the recent fees imposed on general aviation aircraft arrivals and departures will likely have the reverse impact of what the Bahamians in the Ministry of Finance intended.” 


birdiestrachan says...

These complaints were printed before, I am sure the pilots will do what is best for their pockets , they do not. Operate out of love it is all about the money , so if they can go else where cheaper then go, because when one door close there is always another one opening wide,

Posted 3 October 2024, 12:40 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

These fees weren’t dropped on the industry out of love either. We are heavily dependent upon tourism dollars, and these massive tax hikes this government is fond of will be to the detriment of us all. They will tax us right out of the market. They seem to be bereft of ideas to improve the economy, other than taxing us all to death while they fatten themselves and their most favored dependents and hangers on. Do better.

Posted 3 October 2024, 1:15 p.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

The PM, considering himself as an international/regional climate & economic activist; with all the begging-format-trips, with questionable performance at home. While his Politically Elite cronies continue increasing tax, Taxes, TAXES.
It is SO Easy to increase the Price of one's goods, instead of of improving their Value.
Reminds me of a poster my mother placed in my room..."Teenager, clean up Your Room, Then the World."

Posted 4 October 2024, 10:11 a.m. Suggest removal

FreeportFreddy says...

Total idiot comment. Absolute ignorance of reality!!

Posted 3 October 2024, 8:02 p.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

only cash money will get the attention this pilot's group is seeking.

Posted 3 October 2024, 2:15 p.m. Suggest removal

Porcupine says...

Rather, it is further proof that this or any other Bahamian government does not feel they need to answer for any of their decisions. Having written hundreds of letters to government officials, I have found that the absolute silence and lack of accountability simply means one thing: they do not care about the Bahamian people, hold the average Bahamian in contempt.
A very sad state of affairs.
Not only is The Bahamas experiencing a rapid brain drain, we a re seeing an exit by those who do not want to play the stupid and childish political games, and the downright immoral leadership of this country.
Our children will pay dearly for the petty politics we play here.
Would it have hurt for Davis to have called the guy at AOPA and heard his complaints and treated him like a person?
What it reveals is that our MPs and PM really do think they are something a bit bigger than they really are.
These MPs and our Prime Minister really must think they are so important that they have no obligation to answer questions. Arrogant little men they are, hey?

Posted 3 October 2024, 4:10 p.m. Suggest removal

DillyTree says...

How ironic!

All those years of flying for free they now want to complain? Tiem to cough it up, freeloaders!

Posted 3 October 2024, 4:44 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

Come one, don't be like birdie.

They were not flying for free. They were paying. The complaint they have is how come their fees have gone up, and they pay more than larger airlines now. That is a fair question.

Posted 4 October 2024, 1:05 p.m. Suggest removal

DreamerX says...

Either a bot for the complainant group or can't comprehend the way these fees have not and will not impact the travel these groups just seek to make it free or closer to free again. This group paired with trying to bar Bahamian airlines from US travel operations, is a clear collusion of pressures simply to reduce costs of their business in the Bahamas. They are not booking less or travelling less by pure flight data sets. So shill more.

Posted 6 October 2024, 11:14 a.m. Suggest removal

FreeportFreddy says...

Look at all of the fee increases across the board ... unreal!!

Posted 3 October 2024, 8:03 p.m. Suggest removal

Twocent says...

Three matters need addressing here….one is the measly $50 landing fee that needed to go up to reflect the privilege of having a private jet land here. We undervalue the lure and beauty of our islands and the price people with money are willing to pay to have PARADISE ! That same lack of self-worth brought the failed anchor resort and cruise ship idea into ply. The other is…that we should not be arrogant in our small nation. These officials are minnows in a pond and because they are all “brothers” in one form or another, have learned a hubris that in a bigger pond will choke not only them but the people they serve. The last matter is that of where the money flows. In a truly proud nation its citizens directly feel the changes that are possible in a country that knows its worth. In a cash-cow bureaucracy the money is siphoned to those who arrogantly believe they deserve it. Talk with stakeholders. Increase fees, but let the money flow to the people, to the nation, where it can do is best job to make us a proud, progressive, and united nation…not into the pockets of politicians and their cohort!

Posted 4 October 2024, 8:20 a.m. Suggest removal

rosiepi says...

Your opinion would have some worth if you weren’t speaking from both sides of your mouth, ie. that we’re “undervaluing the price people are willing to pay to have paradise” and “measly fees of $50” then launching into “we should not be arrogant”. Perhaps you’d like to read your first statement again?

Rick Gardner of CST (above named) tallies the fees for landing in the newly created private Bimini airport, and paying for services not yet available at $700 for a light aircraft w/4 passengers.
That doesn’t include fuel and parking fees now pegged at $900/month.
How does this add to the success of this $80M project??…

Compare this to T&C, where landing fees for the same craft are…$10.
Departure at $29/person.
Development fes…$20
I might have left one out but one gets the picture?

And the last one is an even better selling point..
Crime rate here 64.8

Posted 4 October 2024, 9:34 p.m. Suggest removal

DreamerX says...

Compare the fees to T&C who's fees are arbitrarily low to advertise their tourism product, who's airports are no bigger than the family island airports of The Bahamas. Yes, please shill for more collusion of private and corporate aviation groups that are seeking to make the Bahamas "Free" for them again. T&C who's products are almost ONLY resorts areas or destitute local areas. Where the government tried to have the only FBO's be foreign hotel owned. Make it make sense.

Posted 6 October 2024, 11:22 a.m. Suggest removal

Dawes says...

Where is the journalism in this article? Surely for a reader to decide if the fees are too high you should tell us how much it costs to go land in Turks, Dominican Republic and other areas. Then we can see if ours are reasonable or not. I expect us to be more as that's the benefit of being closer to the US, however if it is outlandishly more than that is silly. Finally the PM needs to do better. Just speak with the person or have someone speak to him, you may not agree at the end but you have heard his arguments and explained why the fees needed to go up. Its not that hard.

Posted 4 October 2024, 9:09 a.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

Why should the fees be more for being closer to the US?

And if someone from a place closer to you flies over your country to go to a place further from them, should that not ring a bell to us that something is amiss with what we have?

Posted 4 October 2024, 1:09 p.m. Suggest removal

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