Thursday, January 30, 2025
Chief Sports Editor
IN the midst of mourning their president Dwaine Stevens, the New Providence Softball Association has removed two of its officers from its executive term for breach of violation of the rules of the association.
In a letter dated Monday, January 29, NPSA secretary Addie Findley wrote that the NPSA held a special call meeting on Wednesday, January 27 in the Banker’s Field at the Baillou Hills Sporting Complex.
A signed petition as a “vote of no confidence” by more than 2/3 of the executive council was presented to the acting president Lyrone Burrows and acting first vice president Richard Bain Jr. “The NPSA constitution in article IV section 6 states that any officer can be removed by 2/3 of the executive council if found to be incompetent in performing his/her duties,” Findley said.
Findley said both members were present at the meeting and were removed from the executive committee of the NPSA.
He noted that they both attended a meeting called by the Bahamas Softball Federation on Friday, January 17, for the purpose of participation in the nomination of the election of officers. However, Findley said both members sat in the meeting without the approval of the NPSA to act on their behalf, but they told the council they were there on behalf of the BSF.
But Burrows, who sits on the BSF as the treasurer, brought some clarity to the situation, indicating that he wishes not to challenge the decision as he would not want to continue as a member of the NPSA.
Burrows said on December 22, a letter was sent to Stevens informing him about the BSF’s annual general meeting and the election of officers would take place in January.
With Stevens intending to run with a slate of officers to challenge for the positions, but unfortunately he passed away on January 5 and it was not clear what position the NPSA would take.
Burrows, who served in Stevens’ passing as the acting president, said he convened a series of meetings with Stevens’ family and provided them with their support from the NPSA, as well as to coordinate his memorial, along with Bain Jr.
“Unfortunately, we did not provide notification to the NPSA and the BSF because our focus was on the memorial and the funeral service,” Burrows said.
“So when the BSF attempted to hold the AGM, only me and JR was there and so the council, which is made up of the managers of each team, took the position that he and I were aware of the AGM, but didn’t advise the executives and that it was done intentionally, to assure that we had the vote of the NPDSA and not who the NPSA was willing to push forward.”
After reaching out to Findley to attend the meetings, Burrows said he never got a response from him. He said it wasn’t until they were informed of the “no confidence” meeting.
But Burrows said it was due without process because he and Bain Jr were not notified of what was the reason for the meeting, but they were told in the meeting that they were being removed from office.
“The AGM could not go through to its formality so the only thing that took place was the nomination of officers,” Burrows said. “The only people nominated was Marvin Wood’s slate of officers, of which I was a part of.
“The nomination was closed, but the NPSA issued a letter advising the BSF that they were not aware of the AGM and that they had a slate of officers that they wish to put forth.”
The AGM will now take place at 7pm on Friday at the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture and the NPSA have been given the opportunity to submit their nominations from the floor before the election takes place.
With the removal of Burrows and Bain Jr, the NPSA will now have Andy Percentie acting as president with Terrance Culmer as the acting first vice president. They will also serve as the representatives for the NPSA at the BSF’s meeting.
However, Burrows said he has no intentions of serving on the NPSA, which will have to hold elections before they open their new season this year.
The NPSA, along with the Bahamas Government Departmental Softball Association, held a memorial service for Stevens last night at the Andre Rodgers Baseball Stadium.
The funeral service for Stevens will be held at 2pm Saturday at the New Bethlehem Baptist Church on the Independence Highway. His body will then be interned in Woodlawn Gardens.
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