FORMER FNM candidate Cassius Stuart had Bahamians abuzz yesterday after he announced that he his throwing his hat into the ring to be the party’s deputy leader because he can make the FNM “sexy”. Mr Stuart said that in his opinion rival contender Long Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner would not bring the “sexy” the party needs. “I think I will do a better job as deputy leader than she can. I can make the FNM sexy and more attractive. She is not appealing to the woman voter and I am. They just are not attracted to her. We lost the female support in the last election and I can get them back, I can strengthen our support,” he said. So who can make the FNM sexy?

May 19, 2012

Photo of Carson Hepburn

Carson Hepburn ( in ) says...

First of all, when it comes to politics, there is nothing sexy about it. Politics is serious and one shouldn’t make a joke of it.

Photo of Aneka Stewart

Aneka Stewart ( in ) says...

It would have to be Loretta Butler, definitely not Cassius.

Photo of Shawn Strachan

Shawn Strachan ( in ) says...

If he wants to turn politics sexy, I think that is very foolish. If I were in politics I would want people to think I want to be better than everyone else, I would say if you elect me I would be good, honest and hard working, not sexy. That man is not sexy. I could see Branville McCartney maybe, I think Loretta would have to be the sexist.

Photo of An American visitor

An American visitor ( in ) says...

I don’t think sexy should matter in politics, it should be about personality; looks should not matter.


RUKiddingMe says...

Child you have got to be kidding? This man continues to make a fool of himself! He makes us look like uneducated, third-world morons with this kind of statement!

Posted 6 December 2012, 12:35 p.m. Suggest removal

truebahamain says...

The bahamian people need to wake up and start putting these politician to pasture who do not have a future vision for our nation like Cassius Stuart we do not need a sexy political party but one that will take us out off the oppression we are now in let him take his sexy self to the farm

Posted 29 July 2014, 11:54 a.m. Suggest removal

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