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1Life2Live says...

We now exist, live in a world where human life NO longer has VALUE; sadly, FACT!

in 2019, a 16 yrs. male hangs himself in a closet. another drowns. yet another is run over and left to die on the street like a raccoon. wow!

in the case of the 16 yrs. old. who knows what was going on with that guy? suicide?ðŸĪŠ
...was he gay and in the closet and was about to be outed? probably? or was he gay and was bullied and/or ostracized? in that primitive country that does NOT accept or respect gay males, ...the only way he could 'OUT' was to hang himself. abysmal!
there are profoundly ignorant people in that country (Bahamas) that believe that if he were a 'sissy' (that nasty word you poor people in that country like to use (STUPID)) ...they are happy he's dead. 👎 ...yes, that is the 'spiritual wasteland' mentality in that sick mindset (pseudo (fake) ...delusional) country.

...guy left in the street to die. even here in the USA where crime is pervasive and interfering in incidences, is lackluster; however, if a person were injured...struck, aid is applied immediately to help secure the life.

that country Bahamas has become what Trump refers to as a 'shithole' country! he's right!
garbage in for immigrants... i.e., 'hishen people'. place riddled with crime. and a community that calls God's name and NOT accepts and rejects God's creation to the point of where a 16 yrs. old (probably gay boy) has to hang himself to escape the SEWAGE mentality of the
people that exist on that already spiraled out of control cesspool for a country. pathetic!
i never wanna RETURN to that country; good-riddance. May that young man and the other two men souls' rest in peace. Amen. 🙏

1Life2Live says...

tragic! tragic! tragic!

Deaths of young Black males is NOT exclusive to your country. However the 'hiSHEN' immigration in Bahamas has profoundly destroyed its fabric! Those sick vodoo worshipping 'hiSHEN' people you allowed in decades ago are the demise of that country. They attempt too, to do their ... messy stuff in the usa. abominable! Cast those demons, out!

on another note:...
The other day, I visited the CDC's Website to know how many Black males in the USA died from non-police homicides in 2018?

answer: staggeringly, 65% of Black males in the USA between the ages of: 0 - 25 yrs, died from non-police related homicides. ...AND... 22% from the remaining 35% were incarcerated. despicable! diabolical! Black males in America are eliminating themselves, there's NOT any reason for whites in America to do anything except allow Blacks to kill each other; (i.e., Detroit)... disgusting! Blacks in American makeup less than 13% of the population and continue to be the hemorrhoid in the asshole of the entire, world! horrific! 👎

1Life2Live says...

Primitive! Primitive! Primitive! Barbaric.

A country that claims to host millions of tourist across all of its islands is incapable of dealing with multiple gunshot wound emergencies? 👎 disgraceful!

All the murders that occur on that tiny dot for a country is incapable of triaging? 👎 disgusting!

Americans, do NOT go to that country Bahamas, do NOT! 👎

On Sands defends care for Bimini victim

Posted 2 May 2019, 5:01 a.m. Suggest removal

1Life2Live says...

...i don't know why American bother to invest in that country? is riddled with crime and profoundly ignorant ,,, backwater folks! 👎 deplorable!

On Gunned down when he opened the door

Posted 2 May 2019, 4:46 a.m. Suggest removal

1Life2Live says... primitive people in that country so what if he had a roommate?... it could be a resident that pays rent or takes care of his place in his absence. you STUPID people.

On Gunned down when he opened the door

Posted 2 May 2019, 4:43 a.m. Suggest removal

1Life2Live says...

You're an IDIOT!

On Gunned down when he opened the door

Posted 2 May 2019, 4:40 a.m. Suggest removal

1Life2Live says...

awesome! i'm thrilled for her significant achievement. God Bless.🙏 Amen. ✅

1Life2Live says...

amazing! i'm thrilled for her.

absolutely replace that Pindling woman. It is her deceased (Jamaican) husband, and his cronies that ruined (Bahamas) that country.1966/67 was far more superior than 2018. That country today is a criminal cesspool. disgusting!

On Arise, Dame Janet

Posted 30 March 2019, 7:21 p.m. Suggest removal

1Life2Live says...

@John, great idea! Why don't you go there and inform them of your live-saving idea. That'll work!

1Life2Live says...

yes. another terrible tragedy that is all toooooooooooooooo recurring in that country. i don't know why you folks don't jus return to your CROWN. Bermuda did it; Turks and Caicos did it; why won't you guys?