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1voice says...

I totally agree...but first the government needs to get rid of the stupid requirement that every building MUST have an electrical meter. If a home can sustain its own power without BPL then that home should be given an occupancy permit. There are many individuals and businesses that would keep their places off the grid if they could as they are able to.

1voice says...

Any government, I don't care which but it needs to be this one now, needs to stop charging us double taxation for items we import; as a first means of decreasing some of these costs. We should not be paying duty and vat on the same item; which I believe contributes to some of these high costs.

1voice says...

So now the question is when will the police, who have not received a significant raise in the last twenty (20) years, receive theirs?

We are asking for a police friend, who has no union to fight for them and cannot voice displeasure publicly because the laws of this country do not allow them to.

Also, when will the defence force receive theirs?

1voice says...

God has a hand in everything and He shouted it loud and clear to former Prime Minister Perry Gladstone Christie. After it was all said and done, PGC lost by exactly four (4) votes and his now lost party is left with exactly four (4) seats in the House. All of this occurred on a day that should have been honoring the courage and memory of four (4) brave lost souls of the RBDF on the HMBS Flamingo on 10th May 1980. But no, PGC decided to disrespect them by putting election on the same day; what was one more day?. Well PGC found out that God does not sleep, for He heard you that fateful night when you uttered "God can't stop us now". God did stop you all and he did it in a truly momentous fashion. Never sleep on the Almighty.

1voice says...

I am of the wholehearted agreement that the Data Commissioner should be already onboard with this issue. A sitting Cabinet Minister CANNOT read from illegally obtained documents in the house and expect any protection just because he is there. I call these documents illegal because their source has not been verified and I really don't think that any of the parties involved gave them to him and other members of the PLP. Any person hearing this has to surmise that the PLP government asked or paid someone to hack into the Save The Bays (STB) system which is clearly a breach. And if they did not they need to say where the documents came from. As a democratic nation (which is really a joke!) this seriously needs to be addressed and the powers that be (not the politicians) need to set an example of the persons in breach of our laws.

On ‘Activists seek to topple govt’

Posted 21 March 2016, 12:33 p.m. Suggest removal

1voice says...

I am wondering what the money is really for! Because if I can refresh my memory, when the so called mini riots are developing the Royal Bahamas Defence Force (RBDF) is never anywhere around. The Royal Bahamas Police Force (RBPF) are always in the front line catching hell for it. Where was the RBDF some time ago when the people of Nassau Village were rioting (oh my bad the government called it civil unrest!). The RBDF was not there. So tell me why they are getting the money for armored vehicles, riot gear equipment.

Just another day and another dollar in the hands of some politician that will buy shoddy pieces of crap and pocket the bulk of the money.

On China gives $1.2m to buy military equipment

Posted 29 January 2016, 1:42 p.m. Suggest removal

1voice says...

The online version also charges fees, plus there are hidden fees that do not come into play immediately.

Also, the banks are now charging you almost $6 dollars to cash a check if you do not have an account at the bank where you are cashing the check. Which is an outrageous measure to get customers and/or make money. They should be charging that to the company that issues the check and not the customer.

On Why let banks treat us this way?

Posted 9 February 2015, 7:40 p.m. Suggest removal

1voice says...

Well Mr. Donovan, I had the exact same situation with your U.S. Immigration on a trip. Details aside, I was refused entry after a lengthy 6 hours of interrogation, humiliating searching and all after giving verifiable information. So I feel no pity for you or your "friend". So when you want to castigate Immigration officers I suggest you start with your own. By they way, they were white and I was black; with not a piece of expensive jewelry or clothing to my name. Arrogance was their forte and no you cannot carry on that way with them - they carry guns! I think you need to have some interaction with the immigration officers at your own borders. They were not diplomatic in any way and treated me like I was trying to sneak into their country. So I applaud the immigration officer for doing their job, because if we were in the United States, you would say the same darn thing. So I suggest you and your "friend" bugger off!

1voice says...

I agree with you and the National Insurance Act speaks to an employer not taking out an employee's contribution while they are incapacitated from work. But with government employees, the contribution is taken out regardless of whether or not you are on sick leave.

I have attached the following snapshot of the regulation:…

On 'BEC is at risk of breaking labour laws'

Posted 22 November 2013, 4:08 p.m. Suggest removal

1voice says...

Make the teachers responsible for the level of education in their classrooms. You cannot tell me that a teachers, who has these kids with them for years, cannot tell that they cannot read or comprehend. Make them responsible. Apparently, the way to do it is financially, because that is all they are looking for these days. I remember when teachers were teachers, and not money grubbing blood suckers!

On Teachers to step up protest

Posted 17 November 2013, 5:01 p.m. Suggest removal