Comment history

242 says...

he has no control. puppet pm

On PM should muzzle Roberts

Posted 24 January 2013, 1:59 p.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

The only reason PC ain openly supporting yes or just legalizing it in the first place is because he think he can keep support of the church after its done. And fa sure a lot of the church leaders after the vote will say it was the people not Christie who made the decision( if a yes vote wins) and be righr back in line for their plp handours they accustomed to. And if NO wins he ll tell Flowers it was the people not him. Christie trying to keep a win win situation for himself with the numbers folks and the church. Rt. Hon "Neutral Christie".

242 says...

The PM has no control over the country n not even his party members. Can you say Free For All

242 says...

I wonder if There is a NO vote for "Web Shops" will Number houses still operate? Question one is so misleading

On Christie dismisses 'Jackass' claim

Posted 18 January 2013, 10:46 a.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

I wonder how popular are "Web Shops" in the Family Islands?

On Christie dismisses 'Jackass' claim

Posted 18 January 2013, 10:44 a.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

Something the PM should have explained by now

On Christie dismisses 'Jackass' claim

Posted 18 January 2013, 10:43 a.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

He goin to campaign, so yeah

On Christie dismisses 'Jackass' claim

Posted 18 January 2013, 10:42 a.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

I think Minnis is opposing the process, the wording of the questions and no explanation of how the government will regulate the industry and how will they determine how much money is really being made in the "web shops". And the actual true reason why The PM is rushing to get this done and the fact that he says he has no horse in the race but is obviously promoting a yes vote while saying the opposite. Not opposing the idea itself but the manner it is being done

On Christie dismisses 'Jackass' claim

Posted 18 January 2013, 10:36 a.m. Suggest removal

242 says...


242 says...

good one John