Comment history

242 says...

There is glitch on the website...many stories are duplicated with the same feb 23 2009 date. And they all have the jumbled line spacing and no paragraphing

On Men suspected of raping a dozen women

Posted 26 June 2012, 8:52 p.m. Suggest removal

242 says...


On Foulkes in car accident

Posted 26 June 2012, 4:43 p.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

When the field opens up for competition, at that time any Bahamian can start up his/her own telecommunications company to compete w/ CWC. The possibility of a private Bahamian company not government owned. Effectsandcause you can even be the one to get a company going.

On Is this meeting just one big charade?

Posted 26 June 2012, 11:45 a.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

Thank you for clearing that up...There is a good chance that may work but You are still competing with yourself unless you sell the remainder of the shares to the parent company. If the new division is formed under the same 51/49. Then your profits from the start up will act as a division of the parent company and the parent will still get 51% of all your profit, if they even allow the separate division......And if you do sell your 49% you just lost all your assets and would still have to start from scratch. Not saying it is impossible just saying it will be very difficult to do that....

The Debate continues......Monday....Enjoy the weekend.....

On BEC chairman Miller vows to lower bills

Posted 22 June 2012, 4:06 p.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

Agreed....A Rehab center isn't quite locked down like a jail though...they get frequent visits, sometimes weekend passes, take classes, have group meetings, counselling, random drug/alcohol tests.etc. And not all rehabilitation programs requires it's participants to live at the complex. They can live at home, work at their job but still attend sessions and check in with there PO or Counselor. It's a different program. And it all depends on the individual and their willingness to do better.

242 says...

That's true

On Laing: Stop bashing, start governing

Posted 22 June 2012, 3:43 p.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

Okay, omit the first part of my original statement.You are right he did not say that. You feel no one will think that way, then so be it. Rehabilitation is being proposed as the punishment but there is not yet a system in place. I read the full statement as well as the article above. Have you heard of Drug Courts in the US? Where non-violent drug abusers are sent to rehab as opposed to jail. It can be a successful program but not 100%. Sometimes criminals abscond from the Centers, sometimes they recommit the crime because they feel they got off. Sometimes just because they were not charged with a violent crime doesn't mean they are non-violent. There are many things to look at.

242 says...

Here is a refresher of your original post note key words "reenter", "competitor, "startup"

"I was strongly against the sale of BTC but whats done is done. Nobody sells a product to purchase it back, so if the government sees it necessary to still be in the telephone service simply re-enter as a competitor but only target a specific service (land or cellphone) by using just a percentage of the profit from the sale. Provide competitive prices to a customer population that would not be a strain to the governments treasury. When that more-or-less start up company gets on the way and profit if obtain, gradually expand and venture into other services where affordable and profitable." -positiveinput

On BEC chairman Miller vows to lower bills

Posted 22 June 2012, 12:36 p.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

And once again you just prove my point with another excellent example of SAME company different products. You originally said "reenter the market and compete". I don't even know why we having this conversation because I don't know what side of the argument you on no more.

On BEC chairman Miller vows to lower bills

Posted 22 June 2012, 12:32 p.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

And straw market vendors ain turnin people away cuz they Gettin this sit and wait for your hand out Kid

On BTC told 'give us better service'

Posted 22 June 2012, 1:35 a.m. Suggest removal