Comment history

242 says...

She mussy been Potter's Cay and thought people live there

242 says...

Pindling @ 0:51???

On VIDEO: New members arrive

Posted 23 May 2012, 6:39 p.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

Okay seriously, is more than one person using this TalRussell account?

On VIDEO: New members arrive

Posted 23 May 2012, 6:34 p.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

That is the main reason why it is a bad idea. Moral would be low...."Why pay if there is a bail out"

242 says...

If the BSD is devalued that would be VERY hard to fix

242 says...

You would think they do but if you read the article in the guardian they are using old, outdated and in some cases just incorrect information. They assume a gang's members live in an areas they do not. They think certain slang terms are actual names of gangs. Trust me the lost

On US report's crime rating blamed on FNM

Posted 22 May 2012, 4:39 p.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

You mean PC was supposed to step down from then after having a stroke and he STILL around.

242 says...

When the police realize that there are gangs and realize that certain crews do certain things. And actually know where the gangs are based and which smaller gangs fall under the larger gangs that will be a big step in fighting crime. I read an article last year and the Police and the "gang activist" have no idea which gangs are in what areas and what gangs ally with who. They relying on information from a guy who was in a gang in the early 90's. He ain know what's going on in 2012.

On US report's crime rating blamed on FNM

Posted 19 May 2012, 11:52 p.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

That is true....My thing is if you are MP of an area being in opposition shouldn't stop you from doing your part to fight crime. You were MP for 5 years yes FNM was in power but how is that an excuse.

On US report's crime rating blamed on FNM

Posted 19 May 2012, 11:49 p.m. Suggest removal