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242Queens says...

A few years ago my now fiance was severely beaten on the accusations that my neighbour 'Thought' she knew. The officer dealing with this matter at that time was my neighbour's son. And he had a high ranking position on the police force and he told us that he would make it his personal business to see that my fiance goes to jail at any cost , "as long as he was Superintendent of the Royal Bahamas Police force" he said. He made threats to myself and our family and whenever he came to visit his mother, "our neighbour" he would laugh at my fiances demise because he was beaten, tourtured and sent to prison without bail. This then Superintendent sent his personal friends who were also working at CID at that time,to come into my home and remove items that they claimed belonged to the said neighbour, items that i went back to the station to get back with sufficient id's and receipts and i never got my items back that they stole from me. This Superintendent, also friends with the prosecutions lawyer, tried their best to bribe my fiance to lie on himself and threatened him not to speak about any of the police abuse that happened in court. I paid for a very good lawer who exposed everything to the court and because of the insufficient evidence and the actual perpertrater turning himself in, my fiance was released and all charges were dropped. I reported the superintendent to the corruptions department and after many years he was just recently retired . I never got my belongings back from CID and my fiance now has many scars from the beatings both mentally and physically about the body. My neighbour's Son still comes around to hail his mother and walks past us like nothing ever happened, no apology no nothing. My fiance went through hell and back for nothing and i have but one picture in our album as a reminder of how corrupt the police force can truely be.