Comment history

242Wow says...

100% agree with you!


Posted 15 March 2014, 5:32 p.m. Suggest removal

242Wow says...

What in the hell is he smoking?! So Bahamians in our own country must pay $200 while visitors to our country do not have to pay? How is it that imposing this fee will ensure that the government will stop discrimination against the Bahamians? I mean, how does he come up with this shit (that is the only thing I can call it)?!

The sad part about his comments is that he is really serious!

242Wow says...

@Rory..How the hell do you come to the conclusion that the case is fabricated?! This is why a lot of these kids are in so much trouble! Adults who don’t care enough to take care of them. I will believe a child any day over a big grey A-double-S man! Get real!

On Man found guilty of molesting daughter

Posted 13 February 2014, 5:26 p.m. Suggest removal

242Wow says...

@ Stapedius; it still does not give anyone the right to break the law. i think that we can all agree that the Law is being broken. This cannot be justified. This is so very simple; make an amendment to the Employment Act to make it lawful to fingerprint. Once done, begin fingerprinting away. The Law is the Law and you don’t have to be an Attorney to understand this (which I'm not). I’m not suggesting in any way that we should not know who is in our country, by all means we should. It has to be within the Law. What Laws will be broken next?

On Dispute to be filed over fingerprinting

Posted 31 January 2014, 11:31 a.m. Suggest removal

242Wow says...

100% in agreement with you on this!

242Wow says...

I don’t understand why we as Bahamians are so ignorant of our own laws! This is not about Belinda Wilson! The employment act 2001 of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas makes it clear (even to a 5th grader) that this is against the law; foreigner or Bahamian makes no difference! It is against the law, simple as that. Section 67 reads: “No employer shall, as a requirement for employment or continued employment, require any person to furnish a set of his fingerprints or take a lie detector”. It cannot be any clearer. Therefore, the fingerprinting that is going on is illegal. Not what I said, not what Belinda said, but what the law says. It shocking to me how so many in the change of command will allow this to continue to go on when it is illegal including the Commission of Police (you know the one who is always telling us that he is the Commission of Police). If they now want to fingerprint employees, then change the law!

On Dispute to be filed over fingerprinting

Posted 31 January 2014, 5:07 a.m. Suggest removal