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242gal says...

My advice - every student who doesn't meet a C grade level on their BGCSEs should mandatorily required to spend 1 year on the RBDF contributing to their country across all the islands. During this time, they would learn respect, do training in a variety of trades and tasks and clean up the Bahamas (in the bush, in the towns, on the beach).

Imagine a whole year where a generation would avoid committing crimes, avoid getting pregnant, avoid joining gangs, gaining experience and a sense of community and country. Imagine a generation striving to reach at least a C level (vs an average D level). Imagine a smarter Bahamas that would care whether the government was corrupt.

Just Imagine...

242gal says...

You mean, Bahamas should consider cleaning up its act? And risk not allowing our politicians to take the "brown paper bag" in consideration for offshore incorporation? What kind of dreamer are you?

242gal says...

It is worrying that so many people will only speak on condition of anonymity - 2 were mentioned in this article alone. I myself am worried about speaking up, about coming forward, for asking what is deserve by the government. That's what a corrupt government does - terrorizes their people. Question to "anonymous" - a genuine question - why be anonymous? What are you afraid of? It's not a rhetorical question - I really wonder.

242gal says...

No - all of us have a case - just because you choose to live there doesn't give the Ministry of Works the right to let their toxins spew over the neighbors. If I move to a house knowing the neighbors have a dog, and the neighbor's dog bites me, no one can say, well, you shouldn't have moved there. They have the responsibility to contain the dump.… "the person who for his own purposes brings on his lands and collects and keeps there anything likely to do mischief if it escapes, must keep it in at his peril, and, if he does not do so, is prima facie answerable for all the damage which is the natural consequence of its escape"

242gal says...

Yes! But there should not just be a few people taking legal action. There should be a class action law suit to benefit all people of New Providence who have been affected. The suit could also extend to the entire Bahamas where other islanders have had to suffer from the state of their dumps. Is there a lawyer in the house?

242gal says...

While I applaud Dorsett for making any statement I condemn this watery attempt to deflect from the actual problem - I mean, do they have to take courses in Minister and MP school to learn how to smokescreen so well?

Arson my arse. Blame the phantom arsonist. Who sets a dump on fire??

The issue is that the landfill is broken. The government has continued to ignore public complaints, squandered millions of dollars given by the IDB to fix the problem and served its citizens on a platter to roast in toxic fumes.

What's it going to take to keep people from rising up? Thinking The Honorable Dorsett better come up with a solution and fast before he has to find out.

242gal says...

“The issue really is to control the information..." wow... and "Allowing bidders to speak to one or both of Mr Izmirlian and CCA could also prove more of a hindrance than help to selling Baha Mar, given that both will likely possess negative information on the other in relation to what led to the development’s demise." If I were in a position to buy I would want to know all the ins/outs/goods/bads... Seems like all are worried about what could potentially be exposed.

242gal says...

Nice move - require the webshops to bank there. Webshops will do the bailout. Even though I thought the referendum on webshops was a "no"? Corruption at its worst/best.

242gal says...

It's absolutely abhorrent that CCA was given the go ahead to purchase and develop this project. This is offensive and disrespectful and the Bahamian people should be outraged. This government's approval of cca *again* considering the Baha Mar debacle and all that's come to light this week. Bahamas does not need another ruinous development at the hands of this company and this corrupt government. Disgraceful!

On The Pointe is: ‘Can we rely’ on developer?

Posted 23 February 2016, 4:27 p.m. Suggest removal