Comment history

242realtalk says...

The PLP promised 10,000 jobs immediately, but to provide more jobs than they did in 2002-2007. According to statistics that was 18,000 (approximate) and according to the PLP it was some 22,000.

We will hold them to producing more than 22,000 especially since they have been in government they are still repeating this amount.

So please stop saying they promised 10,000 for the term.

242realtalk says...

Whatever stuck you should strike you again...Fred is only a threat to the Bahamas continuing to be seen as a country seeking to suppress the truth and having a Minister of Foreign Affairs that is incompetent and clueless as to what is diplomacy.

Fred is known but not popular, please make him leader of the PLP...That would be the easiest election for the FNM to win ever.

Please PLP make Fred the

242realtalk says...

Yes it is very possible, however, the more comes out with regard to this matter the more this looks like something else.

I will wait to see how this is handled...

242realtalk says...

Fred Mitchell said what!? Fred done lost his mind!

242realtalk says...

What he needs to comment on is why is he such a lousy Minister. He has New Providence the dirtiest it has been for many years and wants to be PM. He has jokes....

242realtalk says...

You like Fred Mitchell misled the Bahamian people Mr. Minister of Education. I do not understand why you ministers continue to tell non-truths about matters that can be easily found out.

You picked a fight with the union, misled the Bahamian people about having the support of the Anatol Rodgers PTA and now you are going to pay for it. You have not been a good Minister of Education and now you are going from bad to worse.

242realtalk says...

This is how the PLP believe in Bahamian

On Construction 'on its knees'

Posted 10 September 2013, 4:56 p.m. Suggest removal

242realtalk says...

Rory, yes I made two spelling errors yesterday - lean should have be learn and to should have been two. As I started something came up at work and I rushed to finish it and did not spell check. I was busy until late in the night and only came back on a few minutes ago, otherwise it would have been corrected.

However, the words were used as I intended and if you do not understand them I suggest you use a thesaurus along with your dictionary. My mistakes were with the incorrect spelling, your inability to comprehend is on you.

242realtalk says...

No we did not have a published national average...It has never happened and under our system an impossibility.

What we do have is an average of individual grades as an example Math - C, English Language - C-, etc etc.

I do appreciate your sentiment though, however, I still maintain the Minister needs to stop being high handed. He should be adroit enough to use diplomacy to get what he wants done and stop trying to use political speaking points to achieve the same.

If these politicians ever lean the difference between the to we may actually make progress in the country.

242realtalk says...

We have never had a published average grade, there is no such thing. The Minister rather than being what seems to be typical about all of the Ministers of this government should seek to speak and negotiate rather than bully and intimidate.

This does not need to blow up anymore than it is.