Comment history

4renbahamian says...

I agree, it only shows democracy in this country is only a dream. What happened to free speech? speak your mind and you go to jail.

On Respect for Greenslade – but no free pass

Posted 15 February 2014, 9:51 a.m. Suggest removal

4renbahamian says...

That is correct because a drivers license issued to those with the required documents is all you need for ID.


Posted 24 December 2013, 11:37 p.m. Suggest removal

4renbahamian says...

Bonuses are paid when a company shows a profitable period. What is so hard to understand here, no money no bonuses. The DP and PM need to pay BEC employees with their money they made from old days and maybe they will grow some balls. Great job Mr. Miller, dont back down.

On DAVIS: Talks being held over BEC bonus

Posted 13 December 2013, 8:17 a.m. Suggest removal

4renbahamian says...

Plus a foreign company with very little experience and a very bad installation track record in that type infrastructure. The all for me babies win again.

On Chipman vows to scrutinise costs of PM’s trip

Posted 29 November 2013, 10:43 a.m. Suggest removal

4renbahamian says...

My 87 employees can now go to NIB and collect sick benefits after they are paid by me for sick leave, this government has started some shit now. Plus the employees who collected from from NIB only can now come back to me for their full pay. Boy I am waiting.

On Government approves BEC double dipping

Posted 27 November 2013, 8:14 p.m. Suggest removal

4renbahamian says...

I am so disgusted by this I am speechless. A major financial fraud uncovered and there are people who think there is nothing wrong with it. The government wants to put a lid on the BEC issue guickly before other corporations and government entities are name. The leaders in this country stole from the people for so long, the people dont know when they are stealing from themselves.

4renbahamian says...

Another thief have something to say, lets find another way to fck the people.

On Reforms must tackle 'mind boggling' waste

Posted 26 November 2013, 10:41 p.m. Suggest removal

4renbahamian says...

We can now say there is a real Bahamian Mob, a goverment with no balls, Perry you are a disgusting pile of sh1t.

4renbahamian says...

It is precisely this revenue-generating ability that makes the VAT so appealing to liberal intellectuals and politicians. Even liberals understand that at some point high income tax rates stop yielding much more revenue as the rich change their behavior or exploit loopholes. The middle-class is where the real money is, and the only way to get more of it with the least political pain is through a broad-based consumption tax such as a VAT.

4renbahamian says...

Google Europe VAT lessons and you will see why politicians love this idea, it is just another way for our corrupt government to steal from the people.

On VAT 'fait accompli' without coalition

Posted 26 November 2013, 7:17 a.m. Suggest removal