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4thebenefit says...

80'000 holiday makers sign an online petition, great....they should buy BPC out and cancel the licences then.

over 10 years in the making and only now....the foriegners (ourislandsourfuture. is based in colorado)make a website to invite friends to signal intent...

pathetic, can you issue licences under law and revoke them without a proper reason?...this would show the world you are a mickey mouse real law and order

maybe if the solar companies invested 100 million covering your stunning beaches in solar panels...or having 1000 windmills out spoiling the spectacular views...

world population is rising rapidlly and the seas are already being over theres another revenue depleted.

i pray this drill is succesful and it changes the bahamian future for the know it makes sense

4thebenefit says...

trump only banned offshore for 10 years in florida as to stabilize the oil price and push fracking for, he goes back to florida after his term........and 10 years later america has ...o look!....oil off the east coast when the price will be double because of world wide covid inflation....

you let the drill happen....take the royalties and invest in your own tourism or tech ...medicine..

if there is a huge discovery the americans will buy bpc out in the country..

if there is no drill then back to square one.

there is over 50 years of history trying to get to your bahamian black gold and this is the closest anyone has been to proving one of the largest reserves on the planet....this could literally transform the islands into one of the richest countries in the world due to population size!!

good luck to the bahamas once you find oil....please manage it responsibly

On Keep big oil out of The Bahamas

Posted 1 January 2021, 3:17 a.m. Suggest removal

4thebenefit says...

you can substitute "Big Oil" for "Privelaged American" ....good luck to the bahamas to stand on its own feet rather than depending on tourist money forever.

On Keep big oil out of The Bahamas

Posted 30 December 2020, 11:13 a.m. Suggest removal

4thebenefit says...

bpc has not been good to its shareholders at all!!
......if you had followed the story for any length of time they have constantly diluted shareholders,....any rise in price new shares are fed in.......very close to a ponzi scheme though!!

4thebenefit says...

would you tell everyone the exact location where you found gold? no, theres why there is secrecy....

if bpc dont drill, exxon will renew those licences,...if will,. and those massive international companies can really do what they like

the point is the oil is there, this is just an excersize to prove it...and if not bpc then it will be another foriegn company..
also this has been 10 years in the making not 10 days....this could have been prevented years ago....

feed a man a fish and he eats today...
teach him to fish he eats everyday....

please set up an engineers college / petro chemist school from your new found wealth ministry of you can train bahamians in the oil insustry....take it into bahamian hands!.... demand this ..

no one wants to destroy your beautiful part of the world ...just to make money and benefit the locals...that is why there is royalties due to the b.g.

4thebenefit says...

ok so if there is no drill, the international community will think twice about doing business the bahamas,... how could the international community trust that other things might not be revoked.

bpc have invested millions into this an you want to stop it now?? 10 years in the making!!

On A plea to our justice system

Posted 17 December 2020, 3:35 a.m. Suggest removal

4thebenefit says...

30-40 years ago the data wasnt there, more than ever...the drill ship is there, everythings paid for,.

the reason it is a foriegn company is because the foriegn company put big bucks on the line to pay for EA and insurances and lawyers, and you dont have your own company to pump it out!

110 million american dollars spent by BPC in 10 years
0 spent by bahamians

then it will be sold off to america and you will get a % for doing literally nothing,

the problem i see, is that regular bahamians were not invited to participate, where as wealthy bahamians were encouraged,

this was always a gamble for BPC and the decision was made to shield ordinary bahamians from risk.

i personally feel, the government should have opened an account to hold bpc shares, and bahamians could go directly to the government issued broker and buy shares like everyone else, no stipulation!!

i feel this was not fair and should have invited all bahamians if they had an interest in purchasing shares...

this is a political issue not enviromental

good luck bahamas 2021

On Ban oil drilling in Bahamas

Posted 16 December 2020, 1:33 p.m. Suggest removal

4thebenefit says...

ok so then no drilling....god forbid there is an accident with one of the hundreds of oil tankers that pass the bahamas every single day,

and the massive storage facility in free port that already exists can be dug up and turned into tourist bars!

the volume of national debt can just keep rising, with no way to pay it back, and the young and unemployed have limited prospects,

yes we should say no to free money, as money is nothing and does nothing.

i say, demand from the government that they fight for a better deal with bpc, to where they have to employ bahamians....pass a hydrocarbon tax that pays towards health, education, jobs, ect.

people see this as the foreigner coming to steal your resources, but the government signed the licences and ask yourself this.....what did the licence issuers receive?

we make bpc the villains when the real devils are closer to home.

start a national debate as to how every bahamian should benefit from this!!!


On Foreign oil drillers

Posted 16 December 2020, 12:51 p.m. Suggest removal

4thebenefit says...

lowly money grubber!.....all ive seen is people complain about how the royalties are not enough!! we want more money because its a foriegn company....this is a pathetic arguement.
worldwide companies sign deals with governments all the time and there are no free give aways to the citizens.

the $250m is a base line on a lower prediction..looking at the structures there is not only oil...but substantial amounts!

i think before a hand is even want the whole arm and shoulder too!

gd luck finding/ attracting another international company to do business with if this is how you treat "foriegn investment"

On Oil won’t improve our lives

Posted 13 December 2020, 1:37 a.m. Suggest removal

4thebenefit says...

denmark has ended oil exploration after 80 successful years and 100s of billions of danish krone( local currency)being made. birthplace of vikings...thats right all hail denmark.

no one wants do disturb these beautiful island but the reality is can we afford to waste such an opportunity? ..considering the tourist industry will take a year or 2, to get back to normal..the crippling and rising debt...mass unemployment....shortage in skilled sectors.

i say drill, find out whats there. if nothing then all money spent is a financial burden to bpc and we get those licenses revoked or renegotiated at better terms.

an oil strike could pay for healthcare, elderly care, education, the soviern wealth fund, jobs in the oil industry, tech or green jobs,support the lower paid, a national pension, clear the countries debt!

just a handful of ideas

none of that is possible on tourists tips alone.

instead of fighting against it...the fight should be if oil is found...a bigger % to bahamas islands must be demanded.

saudi arabia charge foriegn companies around 80% to extract..they have some of the largest reserves on the planet,

i for one hope they drill and it is successful, could be sitting on a gold mine!!!

On It’s right to hunt for oil

Posted 10 December 2020, 3:50 p.m. Suggest removal