Comment history

ACCP says...

Ohhh I'm so sad for them to return to an impoverished land with No family & No friend's....don't blame my government but their parent's....point blank

ACCP says...

Why is it that the LGBT community put demands on heterosexual individuals, when their concept or belief is centered around freedom of expression, speech and all open freedoms. The LGBT community is a genuine role model to ineffective movements

On Buju welcome but song’s ‘bye, bye’

Posted 18 January 2019, 8:53 a.m. Suggest removal

ACCP says...

To Mr.Culmer, they decided not to speak in the close session because they know how stupid die hard FNM's supporters're council is very biased with the leader so imagine a private session....Do better and " catch sense " before you get excalty what the PLP got...

ACCP says...

Why couldn't I vote ....I'm the only person with this address

ACCP says...

This country is so backwards...The minister went there himself and couldn't give an account of how many builders or worker's are working on the propety....I cry shame on you sir ...your ONE of my favorites, but it's clear your an uneducated idiot just as the rest of those parliamentarians

On Headcount carried out on Pointe workforce

Posted 17 April 2018, 11:20 a.m. Suggest removal

ACCP says...

They ran the country for far too long now the dying middle class finding away to put them out of business... it's about time... Drive around town and stop looking at those right hand drive cars but look at those reposit car lots ....they are full...something to think about car dealers

ACCP says...

I'm not a fan of the Minister of Transportation but I must agree....Individuals who are not interested in the taxi cab business needs to return those plates, and give them to the people who are in it.... If you don't have a taxi or don't drive a taxi or don't have a taxi-cab drivers license why in world you have a taxi-cab plate or plates may it add...

ACCP says...

Renard Hendfield is a "Political Prostitute" so if you waiting to hear from him on the matter cheapest you start walking to China.....Mr.Chipman showed the bahamian people he has what it takes to be different from the PLP and the former Christie Administration while the FNM & the Minnis Administration are only proving what their own colleague said "Same script different actor's"

ACCP says...

Minister Dames be very careful because after your fired the Organization must still operate effectively

On Police promotions on merit not politics

Posted 9 January 2018, 11:46 a.m. Suggest removal

ACCP says...

That's his plans.....This Minister only with have 1 single term as Minister of National Security

On Police promotions on merit not politics

Posted 9 January 2018, 11:44 a.m. Suggest removal