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AJK says...

Time for the unions to STOP protecting the 15% along with protecting Bahamians in the service sector that provide terrible service. I think that the Bahamas will never be able to compete with places like Mexico and Cuba for the lower cost vacation dollar. I dont think the Bahamas should even try to chase that market. The Bahamas is positioned perfectly to capitialize on the higher end vacation experience. But a higher end traveler always has higher expectations in return for thier money spent. The goal of the Bahamas should not be to "try" to be know for as good of service and expereince as Cuba, Mexico and other locations but to actually exceed. Again, people with money have choices where to spend it.

AJK says...

If you want to know the true potential impact consder this. While living in Nassau almost all the Bahamian"s I knew would not vacation at the other family Islands but would instead go to Cuba because the experence, service, value and attitude of the people was hands down much, much better. If the people of the Bahamas would rather go to Cuba than the Bahamas what do you think the US population is going to do????

AJK says...

Thats the truth!! If a country turns a blind eye to the numbers boys, the police that are all in the numbers shops playing, corruption from politicians, campain fraud and on and on and on how could you possibly expect the population to not commit crime. Maybe it is time to bring in an independent policing agency to investigate police, polititian and the choosen few for criminal activity to set an example to all that crime will not be tolerated from anyone.

AJK says...

i have spent lots of time in the Bahamas, Mexico and also Cuba. Out of the three of them the Bahamas without a doubt is the most expensive. I think that most people dont mind spending money on vacation but it is problematic when the service at the most expensive location is also without a doubt the worst. Maybe it is time to drop the 15% tip which encourages poor service.