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It's official: Mr. Phillip Vasyli never was accepted into a podiatric medical school anywhere. Is Mrs. Vasyli being framed into something she never did? There are no reports of a confession forthcoming from Mrs. Vasyli?


Dano_5O You are 100% wrong regarding his alleged "podiatry" credential. Mr. Vasyli only completed two to three years of chiropody school education. Mr. Vasyli was not eligible to even fill out an application for license in the USA. Yet, it appears from numerous witnesses stepping forward that he conducted ongoing alleged "podiatry" business services all over the USA...yet he resided in the's all very fishy. It will be interesting to hear what Mrs. Vasyli has to say about her husband's business affairs being conducted within the USA without a license to practice anywhere in the USA. Was Mrs. Vasyli framed or did she commit the crime herself? Suspicious "business practices" sometimes leave interesting paper-trails?


Dano_5O: Mr. Phillip Vasyli graduated from the Chiropody School in Sydney, NSW circa 1979. Australia does not have ANY podiatric medical schools. He was a chiropodist. Truth & facts are ALWAYS entirely relevant. He could not legally practice in the USA. Only the Court knows if she deserves "bail" on what is alleged. Surely his wife knows how he made his money in the USA. Do your research. People that know her say that she was a very nice person.


Actually, her husband was a chiropodist; not a podiatrist. Educationally speaking, there's a big difference between the two. Also, her husband was never remotely eligible for licensure in the USA. Yet he apparently made money doing podiatry in the USA. Legally, Mr. Vasyli could never work in the USA as a podiatrist because he didn't have the educational qualifications to do so. Her husband did advertise on USA airwaves that he was a podiatrist. Without being educationally eligible for a license, however, it was illegal for him to advertise that he was a podiatrist in the USA when he was never a podiatrist in the USA. If Mr. Vasyli's wife knew these facts, then that could have been a source of contention. Maybe we'll never know what motivated the alleged crime. Don't forget that she is "innocent until proven guilty". Allow this lady to have her day in Court. She is entitled to a defense, no?