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ATLParkboy says...

Forget VAT: 1. Income Tax (based on % of income, incremental % increases Higher income = higher taxes) 2. Sales Tax 3. Property Tax (enforced) 4. Business License fees/Tax (enforced based on % profits) Also there should be certain tax exemptions to those that have incomes putting them below the poverty level. However, these will never come to pass because the ones most affected by these ideas are the elite policy/law makers & elite notable families who are all aligned inside and out of "politricks". As the kids say "Believe that, Real Talk"

ATLParkboy says...

Forget VAT:
1. Income Tax (based on % of income, incremental % increases Higher income = higher taxes)
2. Sales Tax
3. Property Tax (enforced)
4. Business License fees/Tax (enforced based on % profits)
Also there should be certain tax exemptions to those that have incomes putting them below the poverty level. However, these will never come to pass because the ones most affected by these ideas are the elite policy/law makers & elite notable families who are all aligned inside and out of "politricks". As the kids say "Believe that, Real Talk"