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Abaco_property_owner says...

I can't believe that 70,000 gallons of fuel were released into the environment, and we don't hear about it for several days.....and when we do hear about it, the details are scant. I'd like to know if the spill was on land or in the water, what remedial efforts (specifically) are being used to manage this release, and what resources are being called on to ensure that this release is contained and then remediated, or cleaned-up.

Also, if BEC is saying 70,000 gallons were released, my experience with environmental disasters would dictate that the truth is probably 2x that figure; certainly 100,000 gallons are not out of the question.

Based on the "out of sight - out of mind" mentality that the Bahamian government officials seem to have adopted for the recent oil spill offshore Freeport.......can we expect a similar response once this pipeline leak soaks into the ground? Let's see, 100,000 gallons introduced into a fresh water aquifer on a karst (limestone) island......that's enough benzene and other carcinogens to pollute billions of gallons of fresh water, and with the speed that water moves through these islands, it should be just a matter of days before the spill is spread for miles around. What plans are in place to control this?

BEC should be more transparent with these issues and they should be holding press conferences or sending out tweets to keep people informed......something.....anything, please!

I'm not big on lawsuits, but it seems that hitting these guys in the pocketbook is often the only way to get their attention. Perhaps a class action suit against BEC would send a message that they need to be more careful with our precious water resources.

Frustrated in Abaco!

On Latest spill from pipeline in Eleuthera

Posted 8 December 2012, 5:59 p.m. Suggest removal