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Addmoreandcharge says...

The PLP is the worst thing that has ever happened to the Bahamas. Unfortunately young bahamians could not foresee this woolf in sheep clothing. ZNS is just the start of the PLP's victimization programme. The worst is yet to come. Bahamians are going to suffer under this government for the next 5 years, may God help us all. I could write a book (best seller) on PLP victimization but I don't have time at the minute but I will do it later : The History of Political Parties in the Bahamas.
The problem bahamians face is not their narrow minded politicians but the fact that they are so short sighted they can not see the dangerous mindset of the PLP.

On Addmoreandcharge

Posted 18 August 2012, 2:36 p.m. Suggest removal

Addmoreandcharge says...

I find the comments by concernedcitizen to be greatly disturbing. We do not yet live in a fully fledgling Police State even though we are almost there, still a man or woman is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, no matter what the circumstances. I hope you never sit on a jury, I pity our Criminal Justice System if you ever do.

Addmoreandcharge says...

It saddens me greatly to see how Nassau (Cable Beach) is being destroyed in the name of progress. We (Bahamians) have no concept of Environment protection or preservation. We have allowed foreigners to come into our country and build hotels on all our best beaches in Nassau now bahamians have no access to their own natural resource. In 50 years time we will regret the reckless decisions we are now making. It is time we get away from this limited form of thinking that the only way to creat jobs is through hotel construction/tourism or oil drilling, all of which destroy our beautiful country. Look at Cable Beach or Paradise Island, what an absolute mess.

On Addmoreandcharge

Posted 10 June 2012, 6:58 a.m. Suggest removal

Addmoreandcharge says...

I hope the DNA wins the election because it is time for a change. The FNM is out of touch with reality, crime is out of control: every day someone is shot, robbed or raped, corruption in government ministries is ridiculously out of control, the FNM govenment has followed the PLP by selling of our islands, beaches and other assets to foreigners in the name of investment. It is time they go.
The PLP is no better, they are a bunch of incompetent self-centred, self-fish "play" politicians who only care about their own families but don't give a damn about the Bahamian people nor the country herself.
Let us give the DNA a chance to create jobs, reduce the Bahamas's debt, stop corruption in government ministries, stop the giving of bahamian jobs to foreigners, control crime and reverse the creeping Police State. vote dna on May 7th for a better tomorrow for all bahamians.

On Addmoreandcharge

Posted 13 April 2012, 7:52 a.m. Suggest removal