Comment history

Advocate says...

Dr. Duane Sands won the 2010 by-election, and the courts overturned his victory, then came 2012 election and 80% of the FNM candidates lost for a number of factors, none of which amounts to bad governance. Lest we forget Elizabeth was known to be a safe PLP seat, so Dr. Duane Sands did gain good ground in Elizabeth and he remains right now the clear cut favorite to win this constituency. He also is probably the best choice to lead the Bahamas when one considers all potential persons across the political divide. Politics like Junkanoo is a culture here in the Bahamas, its the Saxons or the Valleyboys, in our political culture its PLP or FNM, therefore this independent, coalition or third party discussion is only a concept at best that is extremely superficial. In my investigation many of those pushing for a DNA or Independent movement are closet PLP's who are testing the waters in an attempt to find out how people really feel about the FNM because they realize that the PLP is not a popular choice nowadays.

On Advocate

Posted 7 November 2015, 4:29 p.m. Suggest removal

Advocate says...

Well mudda take sic, you are quite right, and without money you might as well forget about winning, the leader should be HAI or Duane Sands for the FNM to have a chance at winning or else Christie will be dancing again, a vote for the DNA will also help Christie to win and I know some PLP's who are in the DNA to push that very agenda.

On Advocate

Posted 23 June 2015, 6:22 p.m. Suggest removal

Advocate says...

Im sad that someone was victimized by this level of arrogance and criminality, however I will never visit this particular business and will draw the attention of my associates to this story. However the inaction of the authorities is another issue