Comment history

Alan1 says...

Congratulations to our Bahamians on the splendid honours bestowed on them by our King. We are proud to be Commonwealth members and are proud of our history. The stability of The Crown is a firm anchor for this country. They are all deserving of such high honours for all their years of devoted service to our country. God Save our King and God bless our beautiful Bahamaland.

Alan1 says...

This is an excellent letter. We look forward now to another column by Alicia Wallace giving the Israeli side of the situation in that region. That would be better than just a one side anti-Israel opinion which was her column.

On Israel is deserving of our support

Posted 25 January 2024, 5:16 p.m. Suggest removal

Alan1 says...

A more balanced article would have included mention that Theresa May, Home Secretary at the time of the revelation of problems about the Windrush immigrants nd later Prime Minister apologised for the conduct of her department in not having the files and all the problems created by her staff. A strong effort was made to remember the Windrush generation including a statue and other commemorative events. King Charles had artists paint twelve of the Windrush arrivals in a special national Exhibition. On the 75th anniversary of their arrival there was a commemorative church service where The King and other prominent British people as well as many of the Windrush generation and their children in attendance. I have never found any racial discrimination on visits and stays in The United Kingdom. I think the British people are mostly fair minded. The media always dwell on the negative and ignore the positive. The Bahamas is a very long time and respected member of The Commonwealth and we are all working together for the common good.

Alan1 says...

The Crown is our stable anchor in our Westminster inherited system. It serves this country well and we have our own impartial Governor-General..There will be the same expense with a republic. The track record of republics is very poor. We should keep what works for us.

Alan1 says...

When The Bahamas achieved independence in 1973 it was decided to remain with the Westminster parliamentary system. The Crown has been a stable anchor together with a Monarch and Governor-General above politics, a British inherited legal system and a freely elected Parliament. These still remain the strong foundations to protect our civil rights and liberties and promote overseas investment vital to our future. We take what is best from our past to protect our future. The track record of republics is very poor often with states becoming dictatorships, abuse of human rights and little confidence to invest. All the Commonwealth countries who maintain the Monarchy like Canada,Australia and New Zealand are equal in status to each other. They are not subservient to the United Kingdom in any way. It is a shared Monarchy. . It is a system which works well.

On FRONT PORCH: The long march of nationhood

Posted 25 August 2023, 11:53 a.m. Suggest removal

Alan1 says...

Whomever would be chosen for this position would be involved with protocols. We are an independent Monarchy along with many other Commonwealth countries. We share the Constitutional Monarchy with other countries. For example Canada has been independent since 1867 and the Monarchy system is an entrenched part of their Constitution so that abolishing that system is not going to happen. The Crown is our stable anchor at the top and together with our British inherited legal system the reality is The Bahamas is a safe place to invest and live. The track record of republics is very poor. We should keep.the system which works together with its rules.

Alan1 says...

We share our Monarchy with many other Commonwealth countries like Canada,Australia and New Zealand. We are all independent of each other and of The United Kingdom. The Crown is a stable anchor at the top of our Westminster inherited parliamentary and legal system.It is above politics. The stability of this system of Constitutional Monarchy is acknowledged around the world.Many European countries are Constitutional.Monarchies as well as Japan and other nations and are well known for their stability and progress. We have a sound system which has attracted foreign investment. Republics have poor track records. Someone would have to serve as President and that will.cost money as well. We need to keep.our present governmental framework.

On Why are we considering another GG?

Posted 10 August 2023, 1:27 p.m. Suggest removal

Alan1 says...

The Crown is our stable anchor. Republics have poor track records and would cost money as well for a President.

Alan1 says...

This week's commentary as well as that published last week are most interesting. I always look forward to Mr. Young's columns.

Alan1 says...

A deserving honour bestowed on a remarkable woman. She and her family have contributed so much to The Bahamas over so many years. We want her legacy to continue for many more years.