Comment history

Alan1 says...

I cannot understand why The Tribune continues with this column. It has never been objective. Every week the Democrats are praised and the Republicans demonised. We really do not need a column about the U.S.A. We live in The Bahamas and are not Americans. Our natural allegiance is with other English-speaking Commonwealth members in the Caribbean. Why not a column about what is taking place in our region rather than this American partial column every week?

Alan1 says...

There is no appetite here for a republic says the author. I quite agree. The idea that it is "progressive" to have a republic is nonsense. Most of the republics which overthrew their monarchies have turned out to be failed states with financial and political instability. Why would we want that here? We have a good system of government now with a BahamIan Governor-General, Parliament and impartial courts. Investors have confidence in our country that their investments are safe. Canada,Australia and New Zealand have all prospered. They are monarchies like our country. Barbados is hardly a democratic republic. Mia Mottley refused a referendum as polls suggested the public would vote against a republic. What do the regional leaders have to say about that anti-democratic exercise? Let us keep what works!

Alan1 says...

It will eliminate all the hassles for local residents abolishing the Visa. However it does not for overseas visitors. With all the hassles involved in getting the Visa which are time consuming we have lost a lot of tourists. They can go everywhere else in our region without the Visa and requirements. They show their vaccination certificate at the airport and are on their way. If it was for health reasons why are local residents exempt but not visitors? There have been many complaints but nothing has changed. It is a foolish policy deterring people we really need to come and visit us here.

On Kanoo still paddling on health travel visa

Posted 9 December 2021, 5:55 p.m. Suggest removal

Alan1 says...

We do not need to change our Constitution and go through all the upsets and expense of a referendum. Few people here are calling for any change. We should be proud of our history and heritage of freedom under The Crown which has given us true freedom and democracy .Why change a system which works just because Barbados became a republic? The Government there did not even allow a referendum. We are told that the main reason was because two opinion polls showed that the population would vote against a republic and the Prime Minister Mia Mottley was determined to get rid of The Queen. Barbados with all its economic problems is on its way to being yet another failed third world republic.

On What is a Realm?

Posted 9 December 2021, 10:55 a.m. Suggest removal

Alan1 says...

The PLP promised to abolish the Health Visa for everyone not just residents! The Minister admits it is complicated and cumbersome. There have been so many complaints from travel agents and visitors that the Visa is preventing bookings to The Bahamas because visitors can go to nearly every other southern destination without these expensive and time consuming measures. As to the Minister saying it provides marketing information they have always received that information on the forms previously used by visitors on entering our country. The Visa is looked at as a tax to enter The Bahamas and many prospective visitors do not want or have time to be bothered going through the procedures so they book elsewhere. We are the losers which is affecting the lack of jobs because we are not getting the tourism numbers we need at this time. The Tourism officials who are advising the Minister have mismanaged the whole tourism process.

On Health travel visa halted for locals

Posted 9 December 2021, 10:48 a.m. Suggest removal

Alan1 says...

A very worthwhile endeavour. We hope they will succeed.

On Workshop advice on safe building design

Posted 8 December 2021, 5:25 p.m. Suggest removal

Alan1 says...

This is an excellent letter. Right to the point. I hope our Government and Financial people are listening. We cannot afford to destroy our economy by changing a form of government which is safe and reliable. No republic will give us any improvement. In fact most of the third world republics are complete failures now run by dictators. This is surely not what we want for our Bahamaland.

On Republic talk

Posted 7 December 2021, 6:06 p.m. Suggest removal

Alan1 says...

The Health Visa has been the greatest deterrent for visitors especially as they can go nearly everywhere else without one. To add PCR tests will return to the unworkable rules before as people could not get those tests, await results, await a confirmation of the Health Visa and get to The Bahamas all in 5 days. So many complained and wrote letters but the previous government foolishly would not budge. The PLP promised to abolish the Visa but on assuming office Chester Cooper said they would keep it. All of this on top of the pandemic which slowed tourism. We are lucky to have gotten anyone wanting to travel to our country. The mismanagement by Tourism officials is colossal.

Alan1 says...

Chester Cooper is new to this position and is,sadly, taking advice from the Tourism Ministry officials who have helped to seriously damage our tourism by implementing the Health Visa. I am told by travel agencies in Canada and the U.S.A. that this cumbersome Visa is deterring bookings. People can travel with ease everywhere else so why come to The Bahamas with its cumbersome and expensive requirements. Now that Canada and the U.S.A. are requiring expensive PCR tests before returning for both residents and visitors and all the uncertainties involved in travel including sudden impositions of quarantines and stays at expensive airport hotels most people will not just bother to book anywhere. Many fear they will be stranded at their travel destination causing a multitude of problems.How our Tourism officials can seriously tell the Minister that we will not be affected is breathtaking in its inaccuracy. We have now severe competition from so many destinations compared to thirty years ago and we are falling behind. The Health Visa has just accelerated the problem. The PLP promised to abolish the Visa but as soon as Cooper was sworn in he declared it would continue!

Alan1 says...

An excellent article which needs to be read by our population. We have nothing to gain by changing a system which works well and has been a part of our history for a very long time. Canada has the same system and other than some hard core anti-Monarchists there are no public figures advocating abolishing the Monarchy. The system works well there with an impartial Governor-General just like here. In fact former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau worked with the Premiers of the ten provinces of Canada in 1982 to entrench the Monarchy in the Constitution and it is now extremely difficult to abolish it. Every Prime Minister since has supported the Monarchy quite openly, The current Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is a very strong voice for supporting the Monarchy and The Queen and Royal family. A few months ago he said he would not discuss any change as the system works well . Let us heed our Canadian neighbours. Let us be proud of our history and of our Bahamas and maintain what works well in our country .

On INSIGHT: Are we ready to become a republic?

Posted 6 December 2021, 10:41 p.m. Suggest removal